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for astronomical and magnetic azimuth and time. In the evening Rev. Mr. Brady dines with us and we pay
parting calls on the commander and officers of the Jamestown.

[[line]] Wednesday June 16/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

Time.   | Bar.  | Dct. Ther.| Dry b. | Wet b.  | Water | Wind.
6 A.M.  | 29.80 |     47    | 48     |   47 1/2| 47    | Calm
12 M.   |   .81 |     59    | 64 1/2 |   62    | 52    | " [[ditto for: Calm]]
4 P.M.  |   .85 |     56    | 59 1/2 |   57 1/2| 52    | S
8 [[ditto for: P.M.]]|.86 |55|  56    |   55    | 55    | Calm
12[[ditto for: P.M.]]|.84 |50|  54    |   53    | 49    |  " [[ditto for: Calm]]

Morning fine but calm. P.M. light airs.
In the morning get corresponding altitudes for time to those taken yesterday P.M. Our mail, vouchers and last reports & letters, to go down by July steamer and take aboard mails for western Alaska. At 3.10 P.M. a little air springs up and we work our way out of the harbor, but do not get any breeze until 10 P.M. Mid channel between Vitskari and Kulichkoff reefs sound in 66 fms.
  Rock of Biorka bearing S. by E. 1/4 E.
  Verstovaia Pk " [[ditto for: bearing]] NE. by N.
  Vitskari Beacon " [[ditto for: bearing]] W. by S. 1/2 S.
The summit of Mt. Edgecumbe being dis-
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

tant 7 1/8 miles (=47850 ft: 47850 tan. 3° 22' 52" = 2827 ft altitude) the mean of five vertical 

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables. You can actually copy and paste the degree symbol (small circle) from its wikipedia page into the transcription and that will work: