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[[line]] Friday June 18, 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

Time.  | Barom.| Det. Ther.| dry b.| wet b.  | Water | Wind.
4 A.M. | 30.03 |     50    | 48    |  47 1/2 | 48   
| West
8 [[ditto for: A.M.]]| .02 |  46 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 48    | 47  | " [[ditto for: West]]
12 M. |   .04 |  49  | 51 1/2 | 51 | 48  | " [[ditto for: West]]
4 P.M. |  .04 |   56  | 56  |  54 1/2 | 49 1/2 | " [[ditto for: West]]
8 [[ditto for: P.M.]]| 29.96 |  52  | 51 1/2 | 51 | 48  | " [[ditto for: West]]

Morning partly clear wind light & baffling.
Afternoon fine and clear.
A.M. off Chichagoff Id. working up toward Cross Sound.
Pt. Theodore is low and rocky, with four or five rocks above water extending off half a mile in a southerly direction. Hence to a small bay (Takhanis?) the shore is bold rocky, bare for a short distance, broken in to knobs & hillocks, back from the shore all is wooded. The S. and NW. parts of Jacobi Island are low, the middle high with some low saddles. The higher parts are not as high as the [[strikethrough]] middl [[/strikethrough]] mainland of Chichagoff Id. Northwestward from the first bay the shore is less broken.
Cross Cape is low, wooded, with some large white rocks off from it. The outer largest one has a patch of grass, a few stubby trees
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and one high solitary tree with an umbrella-like top and bare stem making an excellent mark. There are some low dry rocks outside of this. The water hereabouts is discolored on the surface probably from glacier water issuing from Cross Sound.
Off the entrance to Lisiansky Strait (see sketch book) sounded in 78 fms at 8.30 A.M.
At 10.15 A.M. sounded in thirty five fathoms Cross Cape rocks bearing N. 1 1/2 miles.
At 11. A.M. sounded in twenty five fms. Cross Cape Rocks bearing NW. by N. and the peak of Fairweather NW 3/4 W. Plenty of fine rock cod caught here.
At noon, Peak of Fairweather bore NW 3/4 W Cross Cape Rocks N by W. 1/4 W. From a meridian altitude (mean of 5 observations) the latitude appeared to be 57°.50'.8 N.
At 1 P.M N edge Jacobi Id.   N 1/4 W.
       N. islet Pt. Bingham  N by W. 1/2 W.
       Cross cape rock       E by N 1/2 N
       Pk. Mt Fairweather    NW. 3/4/ W.
Later; the outermost rocks at Pt. Bingham in one with outermost land southward, ESE.
Later; Rocks off SW. edge of Pt. Bingham in one with Cross Cape Rock SE by S. the nearest shore now bearing east, one mile.

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables.