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Friday June 18th continued.
Low edge of Cape Spencer           NW. by N.1/2 N.
1st point off " " [[dittos for: Cape Spencer]]  NW. by 1/2 W
Next """" [[dittos for: point off Cape Spencer]] NW by W
Pt. islet or knob beyond           NW by W 3/4 W
A point or islet lies midway between the two last mentioned.
Later; the low eastern edge of Spencer in one with E. edge of Taylor glacier NW 1/4 W.
  Elevation of top of east ridge of glacier 0°.87'.10" from mean of three sextant angles. 
the top of Three Hill Id. bearing NNE.
Cape Spencer                      W 1/2 N.
Glacier                           NW.
Get into Cross Sound about 3 P.M. anchor in 15 fms mud in Granite Cove Port Althorp about 4.45 P.M. Go ashore and observe for station with telemeter & theodolite, also for declination & time. Draw seine but get only one trout, though herring are jumping in the cove. High water about 8 P.M. Sundogs in the evening

[[line]] Saturday June 19th 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

Time.  | Barom.| Dct. Ther.| dry b. | wet b.  | Water | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.90 |     47    | 49     | 48 1/2  | 47    | W
12 M.  |   .86 |     49    | 49 1/2 |   49    | 47 
| " [[ditto for: W]]
6 P.M. |   .82 |     50    | 49     |  48 1/2 | 47 1/2    | S
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Morning foggy; later, rains. P.M. Rains hard with fog, heavy swell heaving in.
Observations for dip and intensity in A.M. before breakfast; after breakfast, telemeter obs. and notes for a chart of the anchorage interrupted by heavy rain. Remainder of day foggy and story with falling barometer and heavy sell heaving in showing probably a S.W. gale [[outside?]].

[[line]] Sunday June 20/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

Time.  | Barom.| Dct. Ther.| dry b. | wet b.  | Water | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.90 |     46    | 47     | 46 1/2  | 46    | S.
12 M.  |   .98 |    48 1/2 | 49 1/2 |   49    | 46 1/2 | Calm
6 P.M. |   .96 |     47    | 48     |   48    | 46    | " [[ditto for: Calm]]

Morning overcast until nearly noon when rain begins again and lasts until night, then thick rainy and disagreeable. In the morning continue telemeter work and complete sketch of cove just as rain comes on. Finish seven ranges of soundings it being low water about 8 A.M. this day but not much rise or fall. Afternoon plot telemeter observations and obtain a few vertical angles on Three Hill Id. etc. Evening thick & raining hard.

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables.