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a little and we get time and astronomical azimuth. Evening , clears considerably. Mt. St. Elias etc, in full sight.

[[line]] Friday June 25/80 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

Time.  | Bar.  | Dct. Ther.| dry b. | wet b.  | Water | Wind
6 A.M. | 30.34 |     46    | 48     |   47 1/2| 47 1/2 | Calm
12 M.  |   .38 |     51    | 52     |   51 1/2| 49 1/2 | W
4 P.M. |   .38 |     53    | 51     |   50 1/2| 51    | SE
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.] |   .34 |     48    | 47     |   47    | 49 1/2| NW
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]|   .35 |     47    | 47     |   48    | 49    | " [[ditto for: NW]]

Morning, wind light, sky half clear. Get out of Port Mulgrave. Prepare to take notes on coast between Yakutat and Kayak Id. The sky being clear the following angles were obtained on a prominent peak  in the chain between Mt. St. Elias and Mt Cook which we decide to name after Malaspina. Corrected mean of four vertical sextant angles 2°.27'.50".
Sounded here in sixty fathoms and found 
Ocean Cape bearing          E. by S. 1/4 S.
Krugloi Id.                 NE by E
Pk St. Elias  (approx)      NW by W 1/2 W
E. head Disenchantment Bay  N 5/8 E.
Point Manby.                W. 1/2 S.
The breakers off Pt. Phipps in one with outer-most land opp. shore W. by S.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Later, took the following bearings [[line]]
Ocean Cape.                    E 1/4 N.
Krugloi Id.                    NE
S end Dolnoi Id.               NE 1/2 N
Centre Disenchantment Bay.     N 1/2 E
Pt. Manby.                     W
N. end of trees on the shore   NW 1/2 N
Southern most edge of land     W by S. 3/4 S.
Nearest beach 2 1/2 miles off  WNW.
Later sounded in 21 fms mud [[line]]
Point Manby                    WNW
Ocean Cape                     E 1/2 S
Disenchantment Bay             NE by N 3/4 N
[[strikethrough]] Outermost land [[/strikethrough]] Later, sounded in 10 fms.
The shore at Point Manby being perhaps a little less than a mile and a half off, bottom hard with a good deal of growing kelp about.
Pt. Manby bore                 NW
Ocean Cape                     E 1/2 S
Disenchantment Bay             NE by N 3/4 N.
Outermost land                 W. by S.
In working slowly across the bay with very light wind and more or less swayed about by the tide two facts were developed. First, that Disenchantment Bay is con-

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables. Kayak Id. is correct. Dolnoi is correct.