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[[line]] Thursday July 1st/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[Table headings:]]
Time.  | Bar.  | Dct. Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water  | Wind
6 A.M. | 30.18 |  48        | 49 1/2 | 49     | 47     | NE 
12 M.  |    16 | 55 1/2     | 61 1/2 | 58     | 55     | Calm
6 P.M. |    10 | 50         | 52 1/2 | 52     | 48 1/2 | SW.
Morning nearly clear.  Later clears away.  Evening perfectly clear and calm. Observations for time latitude and azimuth (astr. & mag.) all very good. Sent the boat out fishing. Get several halibut and a good many of the large crabs, which are excellent eating.  Try the seine and get several barrels of small herring. Work over notebooks and records in P. M.

[[line]] Friday July 2nd [[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.98 | 44 1/2 | 46     | 45 1/2 | 48     | NE
12 M.  |   .92 | 50 1/2 | 51 1/2 | 51     | 48     | Calm
6 P.M. |   .88 | 50     | 52 1/2 | 53 1/2 | 48 1/2 | Baffling

Morning overcast, calm; P.M. overcast wind very light, and about 5 o'clock begins to rain but this ceases later in the evening. Take the large cutter and proceed to the spit infront of the largest glacier visible; in the morning. Walk about three miles over a gravel flat or plain which
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descends in a gentle slope from the foot of the ice to the sea and is cut up with watercourses of which all but one or two are dry. Ascend the glacier for a short distance and return to the boat saw many bear tracks. One of the party killed a porcupine. From the spit take a number of angles and bearings to correct the chart of the bay. The height of the station is 24 ft. 6 in. above the water. Instrument U.S.C.S. Theodolite no. 122. We call the station Glacier Spit.
                      [[light pencil]] 17 1/2 [[/light pencil]]
General direction of the beach       S 60 1/2 E
Point in small bight to eastward     S 43 E
                    Hor. angle       0°.0'.0'.
Point on opposite shore of bight     S 41 E
                  further in         2°.02'
Opposite Head of bight, South,      44°.47'
Pt. same shore further on S 26 3/4 W. 72°.13'
Inner edges islet beyond  S. 30 W.    75.53
Outer " " " [[dittos for: edges islet beyond]] S. 31 W.  76.49
Main shore beyond is nearly in one with this islet.
Rock beyond               S 33 1/2 W   78° 13'
End of Coal Pt at water's edge S 49 1/2 W 94 14
1st of the seven trees on the Pt. S 51 W 96 33
7th tree                  S 51 1/2 W   97 01

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables.