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Anchorage Coal Pt.                S54W            99°.01'.30 
                                          A            B
Schooner vert. < water's edge       359°.55'.      179.54 55°.179.54                                                  
"""""[[dittos for: Dir. Schooner vert. <]] top main mast         0.01 1/2   180.01 1/2
Rev. """[[dittos for: Schooner vert. <]] water's edge    179.57       359.58
""""[[dittos for: Rev. Schooner vert. <]]top main mast   180.11         0 08 1/2
Dir. """[[dittos for: Schooner vert. <]]water's edge                 180.01          0 00
""""[[dittos for" Dir. Schooner vert. <]]top main mast               180.09 1/2      0 09 1/2
Rev. """[[dittos for: Schooner vert. <] water's edge                 0.06      180 06
""""[[dittos for: Rev. Schooner vert. <]] top main mast
359 57      179 58
Height of mainmast above water line 99 f. 6 in
Low neck, W end Coal Pt.      S.66 1/2 W.   109.45
Watering place, approx        S.80W         123.18
General trend of beach (spit) N.51W.        172 18
                              N14W.         209 18
Foot of hill opp. side Gl. spit. N9W.       214 18
Edge of trees this side do [[ditto for: Gl. spit]] 
                              N31E.         254 18
Mountain N. of Glacier        N69E.         292 18
" [[ditto for: Mountain]] S. "" [[dittos for: of Glacier]]
                              N88E           311 18
Point of starting            S42 3/4 E      0°.0'.   

Observations ended we return to the vessel
It begins to rain and the wind dies away
Caught a halibut near the spit, which weighed 132 pounds, several smaller halibut and a large number of the large edible crabs.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[line]] Saturday July 3rd/80 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Bar.  | Dct.Ther. | dry b. | wet b. | water. | wind.
6 A.M. | 29.84 | 48 1/2    | 49 1/2 | 49.    | 48     | Baffling
12 M.  |   .82 | 52 1/2    | 56 1/2 | 55 1/2 | 47 1/2 | SW
4 P.M. |   .77 | 46        | 51     | 52     | 47     | " [[ditto for: SW]]
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] |   .78 | 47   | 49  | 49 1/2 | 46   | Calm
12 "[[ditto for: P.M.]]|   .68 | 46  | 47 1/2 | 47 1/2 | 43  |" [[ditto for: Calm]]

Weather overcast, fair. Begins calm, afterward a light breeze, later calm again. Flood tide in P.M. about 5.30
Go ashore on Coal Pt. and take a series of angles bearings and measurements to correct sketch of the Bay, with, Theod. 123 & tel.
Return on board at 12.30 At 1.15 P.M. weigh anchor and stand off and on down the bay toward Graham Harbor.

[[line]] Sunday Judy 4th [[line]]

4 A.M. | 29.64 |  46    | 47     | 47 1/2    | 44     | N
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]| .54 | 49    | 51  | 50 1/2  | 55  | " [[ditto for: N]]
12 M. |   .50 |  56    | 59 1/2 | 57 1/2    | 46     | ESE
4 P.M.  |  .60 | 45    | 58     | 56        | 45     | SW
8 "[[ditto for: P.M.]] |   .64 | 52 1/2| 55 | 54 1/2  | 46  |" [[ditto for: SW]]

Anchor under Dangerous Cape, opposite the ruins of the old Russian establishment, about 6 A.M. in 9 fms. black sand, Graham Harbor. Weather half cloudy, the sun out at times

Transcription Notes:
Schooner vert., not Schooner verb. Compare t there to t at the end of the word mainmast in next line.