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[[line]] Wednesday July 14/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Barom. | Ther.  | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water  | Wind
8 A.M. | 29.82  | 46 1/2 | 48     | 48     | 44     | N
12 M   |   .72  | 47     | 51 1/2 | 50 1/2 | 45     | " [[ditto for: N]]
4 P.M. |   .60  | 46     | 47 1/2 | 47 1/2 | 45 1/2 | NNW
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |   .62  | 47     | 47 1/2 | 47 1/2 | 46 1/2 | NNE
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] |   .70  | 48     | 48     | 48     | 47     | NE

Start out about 5 A.M. with a strong breeze & heavy sea abeam. Weather rainy & foggy, too rough to work on records but making good progress westward.

[[line]] Thursday July 15th [[line]]

4 A.M.  | 29.75   | 46 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 47 1/2 | NE
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]  |   .75   | 49     | 48     | 48     | 48     | " [[ditto for: NE]]
12 M.   |   .80   | 50     | 57 1/2 | 53 1/2 | 46 1/2 | " [[ditto for: NE]]
4 P.M.  |   .85   | 49     | 50     | 49 1/2 | 46     | NNE
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |   .88   | 47     | 49     | 49 1/2 | 46     | NW
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] |   .88   | 46     | 48     | 48 1/2 | 47     | " [[ditto for: NW]]

Weather rainy & foggy clearing at night. Wind lighter & sea easier than yesterday.

[[line]] Friday July 16th [[line]]

4 A.M. | 29.87 | 46     | 48     | 48     | 47 1/2 | NW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]] |   .82 | 49     | 48 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 48     | WNW
12 M.  |   .76 | 52     | 55 1/2 | 54 1/2 | 45     | " [[ditto for: WNW]]
4 P.M. |   .74 | 51     | 54 1/2 | 53 1/2 | 45 1/2 | SW
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] |   .70 | 48 1/2 | 49     | 49     | 44 1/2 | " [[ditto for: SW]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Morning fine and clear becoming foggy in the evening. Wind squally all day.
Desiring to utilize the fine weather (& making the Shumagins at daybreak with a prospect of not reaching our station at Humboldt Harbor until the afternoon) put into Northwest Harbor anchoring about 1 P.M. and going ashore at once obtain observations for magnetic and astronomical azimuth dip, intensity and time. Cross over the divide and examine Sandy Bay which is not exactly accurate on the chart.

[[line]] Saturday July 17/80 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time   |  Bar.  | Dct ther. | Dry b.  | Wet b.  | Water. | Wind.
4 A.M. | 29.54  | 47 1/2    | 48 1/2  | 48 1/2  | 47     | SW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]] |   .45  | 47 1/2    | 48 1/2  | 48 1/2  | 48     | " [[ditto for: SW]]
12 M.  |   .35  | 47 1/2    | 49      | 48 1/2  | 46     | " [[ditto for: SW]]
6 P.M. |   .33  | 46 1/2    | 48      | 48      | 44     | NE

Morning overcast with showers. P.M. rainy & foggy. Wind fresh in A.M. Stronger, growing to a stiff gale in P.M.
Stand out of Northwest Harbor about 5.30 A.M. passing north of Big Koniushi and Nagai whose northern points in one bore W. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 1/4 S. Peninsula Island in one with Wedge Cape bore E. by S. 3/4 S. and Castle Rock in one with

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables.