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The winter was rather severe and the spring unusually late. The first landing at St. Paul was May 31st. The season so far has been one of the dryest known. No rain fell during July and during June & July there was no time when a landing could not be made and the usual work done.
At St. Paul last winter about 11,000 seal were taken for food, of which 4000 furnished skins which were taken by the Company 
About 80,000 skins were taken and accepted and six or seven thousand in all rejected this year. Only 18 skins of the regular killing rejected on account of cutting. Sixty natives did the skinning and the quota was taken in thirty five days.
No oil was taken this year. Last years oil sold for 35ยข per gallon and it does not pay. There are about 80 wooden buildings here including a fine church & schoolhouse. The latter has 30 scholars and they are taught by an Aleut of the name of Butrin who was educated in Vermont at the Company's cost. The meteorological observations are taken by the Company's agent here (Dr. Noyes)
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The instruments are in the village school house and are at the top of the village bluff or very nearly. Seven cottages are to be put up this winter. They cost the Company about $400.00 each. There are only one or two baraboras left. There are seven whites on the island this season to winter here. For the Government, J.H. Moulton and Col. Otis on St. George and St. Paul respectively. Go aboard again at 8 P.M.

[[line]] Friday Aug. 6 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time | Bar. | Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water |Wind.
4 A.M. | 29.92 | 45 1/2 | 46 1/2 | 47 | 43 | SSW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]] | .87 | 46 | 47 | 47 1/2 | 43 1/2 | " [[ditto for: SSW]]
12 M. | .79 | 46 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 43 1/2 | " [[ditto for: SSW]]
4 P.M. | .68 | 48 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 48 1/2 | 43 1/2 | SSE
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] | .59 | 46 | 48 | 48 1/2 | 43 1/2 | " [[ditto for: SSE]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] | .38 | 46 | 48 | 47 1/2 | 47 | SE

Morning mostly cloudy or foggy with the sun out for a few moments at a time.
P.M. cloudy, wind moderate, at evening rising to a stiff gale.
Observations for dip intensity & declination none first class but all very welcome, as the weather shows signs of becoming bad. Go ashore about 1 P.M. and visit

Transcription Notes:
See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos, suggestions on tables.