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Old Sitka                           p. 12,26

Pirate Cove, obs. at                     61
Plover Bay, arrive at                    78
Point Higgins                            21
" [[Ditto for: Point]] Hope              83
" [[Ditto for: Point]] Sitkagi           43
" [[Ditto for: Point]] Theodore          32
" [[Ditto for: Point]] Vallenar          20
Population, at Sitka                    10-11
Port Althorp, arr. at                    34
" [[Ditto for: Port]] Chatham " " [[Dittos for: arr. at]]                           54
" [[Ditto for: Port]] Port Graham, arr. at 51
" " " [[Ditto for: Port Port Graham]] notes at                                       52
" [[Ditto for: Port]] Mulgrave, arr. at  37

Race Point                               16
Redoubt Bay, Sitka                       24

St. George Island                        73
St. Paul Island, arr. at                 73
                 notes at                74

Sandy Bay, Little Koniushi               39
Seymour Narrows, notes at                16

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Shumagin Ids, bearings in             p. 59
Sitka, arrive at                          8
" [[ditto for: Sitka]] Old            12,26
" [[ditto for: Sitka]] soundings near    30
Sparrowhawk Rock                         19
Tides, Grenville Channel                 18
" [[ditto for: Tides,]] Johnstone Strait 17
Time sights, Sitka                    29,30
Tolstoi Point                            21
Tongass Mountain                         19

Unalashka, arr. at                       67

Vauks Id.                                21
Vegetables Bucareli Sound                24
" [[ditto for: Vegetables]] Khutsnu      24
" [[ditto for: Vegetables]] Pirate Cove  61
" [[ditto for: Vegetables]] Sitka      12,23
" [[ditto for: Vegetables]] Belkoffsky   64

Ward Cove, Tongass Narrows               20
Winter 1879-80, notes on            8,68,74
Wrangell                                 21

Yakutat Bay obs. in                   38-39

Transcription Notes:
Place names checked. See pp. 5 & 7 for how to transcribe dittos