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[Start page]
Mr Alders was informed 
by one of the venders of
sperm that all the lights
are showing badly Mr
G says none of the keepers
[here?] [dand?] to show
a bad light -
Lard oil when filtered
is not as good for burning
something is removed 
of combustible quality
[End page]
[Start page]7(penciled in R corner)
No trouble with the Franklin
lamp or [auoriust?] of freezing in
the 1% [Deslneck?]. The freezing
can be prevented by a coating
of [cish?]around the[beut?] [pant?]
of the tube next-the wicks [weeks?]
only complaint is the
challeng between the [house?]
fire and the dart[k?] homes - can
be prevented probably by
means of a cloth.
Sperm melts at higher
temperature than lard.
-Experiment on this -
[squiggly vertical line preceeds this last sentene on page}
experiments on lard through
[End page]