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This lamp would be unproved by a rack and pinion.
   When the Franklin lamp runs down to a little less than half the capacity of oil the light begins to be unsteady
[[short squiggle line]]
In 1866 no sperm will be regained in the [[underline]] [[1st ?]] [[/underline]] District - about [[insertion]] 1600 [[/insertion]] 1600 for light ships and all
   Both Districts will regain about 20000 gallons of sperm
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[[penciled page number]] 11
Franklin Camp will burn well for 12 or 14 hours without overflowing--
   The Keeper must keep a fire in his lantern and has coal furnished for that purpose -. no difficulty.
   Land oil has less sensibility as to melting than wales or sperm It will withstand a sudden intense coal for a small time or a considerable heat suddenly [[anpled ?]]
   The most [[perninet ?]] Keeper must keep the temperature --