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[Start page]
Mr Goodwin will
be lick about Dog 
An extra helper is [on or me?]
[ground or guenia?] at Matinacus
Rock Maine. Had to
keep the body of his wife
five days said the Goodwins Report.
[image of a small cross with 4 dots in each quadrant]
At West [Isandy?] Had
mains the keeper ]is prouded?]
with a [cursure?] 12 pound a
on [?] [another?] [chance?] of the
[?] [material?] straw
[End page]
[Start page]
* There are now two keepers
on Matinacus two are required
to man the boat and the 
keeper would not get off to
bury his wife without leaving
the [house?] alone
Mr Goodwins map of his
[?Icatree?] many finished
2nd District has been sent to
the Board
Mr [gueces?] of 1st District
thinks bills of little use
There are eleven in his beat
If of no use it is surprising
that there should have
been so much money spent
apon them.
[Fays? occurs?] on [this? courts?]
from the 1st of June to the [?] of
Sept. This years greatest [duress?]

Transcription Notes:
Very bad ink smearing from "At West... to end of page.