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experiments with [[gr?]] screen and with clear 
[[image - pen drawing of small vase like vessel]]
Ten experiments tow[[ards?]] the smaller lights the means was 
with [[grown]] chimney 6.38 
with clear chimney 6.47 
-----------[[par of ?]] 101.1

Exper to determine whether the means of the disappearance of other spot on each end is the same spot of a single observation of equality of illumination
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[in pencil]] 35
Exp. with vanishing of spot on different sides towards candle and towards lamp
with gas companys photograph----
Turned to candle   7.02
Turned to Lamp    12.35
average ---        9.68

Equal illumination
on both sides     10.02

Ten experiments in each set of the above

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: - This page is a duplicate of the previous image Companys is as spelled.