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[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Bar.  | Dct Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. |Water | Wind
4 P.M. | 29.86 | 43.5     | 44.5   | 44.5   | 47.5  | NNE
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .79 | 44.5     | 46.5   | 46.5   | 47.5  | " [[ditto for: NNE]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |   .75 | 43.0     | 43.5  | 44.0    | 46.0  | " [[ditto for: NNE]]

Strong NE gales all day with very uncomfortable short choppy sea.  Sky overcast,with some fog.

[[line]] Tuesday Aug. 24/80 [[line]]

4 A.M. | 29.75  | 44   | 45.5   | 45.5  | 46.5  | NNE
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   |   .75  | 46   | 46.5   | 47.0  | 46.0  | " [[Ditto for: NNE]]
12 M.  |   .79  | 47.5 | 49.5   | 49.5  | 47.5  | E
4 P.M. |   .81  | 50   | 52.0   | 52    | 46.0  | ESE 
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .87  | 49   | 49.5   | 50    | 46.5  | ENE
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |   .89  | 47   | 49.0   | 48.5  | 46.0  | NE

Weather overcast, wind light.  The land as far as the eye can reach seems absolutely flat with no signs of the hills indicated on the chart and no landmarks of any description.  The offshore spit reaches ten or twelve feet above high water mark with occasional grassy sand dunes six to ten feet higher, and of small extent.  Sticks of drift wood or whaleribs have been set up in many places by the natives, probably to serve as landmarks in their travels along the coast.  The marks of their camps and abandoned houses are not infrequent.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[line]] Wednesday Aug. 25/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Bar.  | Dct Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. |Water | Wind
4 A.M. | 29.91 | 44        | 48.5   | 48.5   |46    | NE
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   |   .96 | 45        | 46.5   | 46.5   |44.5  | " [[ditto for: NE]]
12 M.  |  .98 | 45        | 48.0   | 47.5   |44.5  | " [[ditto for: NE]]
4 P.M. |  .98 | 51        | 53.5   | 53.0   |45    | " [[ditto for: NE]]
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |30.00 |45         | 46.0   | 46.5   |45    | " [[ditto for: NE]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |  .02 | 45        | 45.0   | 45.0   |45    | " [[ditto for: NE]]

Weather mostly cloudy in early A.M.; Later more than half clear. Wind moderate steady stand in to the coast and send a boat ashore for observations as the weather is propitious. Anchor a mile and a half off shore about 10 A.M.  Observations for time, latitude, declination, dip & intensity. About 4 P.M. observations ended, weigh anchor and stand to the northward. A whale carcass, passed by us [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] about 7 A.M. about ten miles to the southward of our anchorage had drifted up to us by the time we weighed anchor.  Early in the A.M. spoke bark Dawn, Hickmot, with 6 whales who had seen the cutter (to the westward probably) about a week previous.  The whalers are all doing well this season. They thought we could hardly get beyond Pt. Belcher on account of the pack ice.

Transcription Notes:
See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: