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On our return to the vessel about 6.30 P.M. we found that four large canoes with about forty natives had arrived from the eastward supposing us to be traders.
[[line]] Friday Sept. 3rd 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
 Time. | Barom. | Ther.  | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water. | Wind. 
4 A.M  | 29.78  | 43     | 44     | 44.5   | 49     | SSW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M]]   |   .78  | 44     | 44.5   | 44.5   | 49     | S
12 M.  |   .71  | 46     | 49.5   | 50     | 49.5   | " [[ditto for: S]]
4 P.M. |   .67  | 43.5   | 44     | 44     | 49     | SW
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .70  | 41.5   | 43.5   | 44     | 49     | W by N
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .71  | 43     | 44     | 44     | 48.5   | " [[ditto for: W by N]]

Weather cloudy with fresh wind and frequent heavy showers. At 6 A.M. sail from Eschscholtz Bay for Bering Strait. Work over records and computations. Later nearly calm.
[[line]] Saturday Sept 4th [[line]]

4 A.M  | 29.68 | 41.5 | 43   | 43   | 47   | SE
8 " [[ditto for: A.M]]   |   .50 | 41.5 | 43   | 43   | 48   | " [[ditto for: SE]]
12 M.  |   .45 | 44   | 45.5 | 45.5 | 48   | SW
4 P.M. |   .46 | 41   | 43   | 42.5 | 48   | W
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .46 | 40   | 43   | 43   | 48.5 | WNW
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .46 | 41   | 44.5 | 44   | 45   | " [[ditto for: WNW]]

A.M. Overcast & [[strikethrough]] cloudy [[/strikethrough]] rainy. P.M. cloudy sunout for a few minutes wind variable strong. Work on records.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[line]] Sunday Sept. 5/80 [[line]]

[[table headings:]]
 Time. | Barom. | Ther.  | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water. | Wind. 
4 A.M. │ 29.46  │ 39     │ 43     │ 43     │ 49     │ NW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   │   .46  │ 38     │ 38.5   │38.5    │ 37.5   │ "[[Ditto for: NW]]
12 M.  │   .44  │ 41     │ 43     │ 43     │ 47.5   │ "[[Ditto for: NW]]
4 P.M. │   .40  │ 42     │44.5    │ 44.5   │ 47.5   │ NW. by N 
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   │   .30  │ 39.5   │ 41.5   │ 41.5   │ 47     │ "[[Ditto for: NW. by N]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  │   .36  │ 39     │ 43     │ 42     │ 46.5   │ "[[Ditto for: NW. by N]]

Day cloudy with showers, fog at times and occasional sunshine. Wind fresh increasing to a tolerable gale in P.M. and against the tide or current forming a [[strikethrough]] tolerab
[[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] heavy [[/insertion]] sea. Morning about 7 o'clock, within about 4 miles of East Cape surrounded with floating fragments of ice, with more ice forming a barrier between us and the land. The bight SW of East Cape is full of ice. Begin our soundings and serial temperatures on a line across the Strait and complete it just as it becomes impracticable from the heavy sea, to continue. Run for Port Clarence for shelter, finding the sea smoother under the land, and anchor off the mouth of the port in seven fathoms about 8 P.M. Weather squally and nasty.
Sundogs at night.

Transcription Notes:
Geographic names checked: Eschscholtz Bay; Bering Strait; East Cape; Port Clarence. See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: