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[[line]] Monday September 6th 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time. |  Barom.  | Ther. |Dry b.|  Wet b. | Water | Wind.
4 A.M. ǀ 29.37 ǀ 38 ǀ 40.5 ǀ 40 ǀ
46½ ǀ NW by N
8 "[[Ditto for: A.M.]] ǀ  .39 ǀ 40 ǀ 41 ǀ 41 ǀ 46 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NW by N]]
12 M ǀ  .40 ǀ 41 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 43 ǀ 47.5  "[[ditto for: NW by N]]
4 P.M. ǀ  .41 ǀ 41 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 43.5ǀ
48 ǀ NNW
8 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ .41 ǀ
41 ǀ 42 ǀ 42 ǀ 48 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]
12 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ  .40 ǀ
43 ǀ 44 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 48 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]

Morning about 4 A.M. get under way and run into Port Clarence, passing Pt. Spencer in the fog and getting nearly to Grantley Harbor before perceiving it.  Run back and anchor near Pt. Spencer at 8 A.M.  Day partly cloudy and foggy with rain squalls and sun out at times.  Snow on the hills which fell last night.  Wind keen and fresh nearly all day.  Rain in the evening.  Observations on the eastern shore of Pt. Spencer on the north side of a small bight in the spit; for declination, dip, time and latitude, with angles for fixing station  The point is very low with some small fresh water lagoons between the beaches.  No village but some old deserted ruined houses and ten or fifteen natives campling in temporary summer tents  Plenty of drift
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wood on the beach. The northern shores of Port Clarence are high barren and benched near the shore with a little lowland near the beach which is largely rocky. Parhelia at noon.

[[line]] Tuesday Sept. 7th/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  |  Barom. | Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. | Water | Wind.
4 A.M. ǀ 29.39 ǀ 44 ǀ 44 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 48ǀ N by W ǀ
8 "[[Ditto for: A.M.]] ǀ   .45 ǀ 40.5 ǀ 42.5 ǀ 42 ǀ 47 ǀ NNW
12 M. ǀ  .47 ǀ 42.5 ǀ 44 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 48 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]
4 P.M. ǀ   .54 ǀ 42.5 ǀ 47 ǀ 45.5 ǀ 48 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]
8 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ  .60 ǀ 41 ǀ
44 ǀ 42.5 ǀ 47½ ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]
12 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ   .65 ǀ 41 ǀ 43 ǀ 42 ǀ 47 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]

Stiff gale all day preventing any work Sky partly clear but haze and fog overhanging the high land where the snow of the night of the 5th has mostly gone Work over records and Bering Strait section.

[[line]] Wednesday Sept 8 [[line]]

4 A.M. ǀ 29.66 ǀ 40.5 ǀ 42.0 ǀ 41.5
46.5 ǀ NNW
8 "[[Ditto for: A.M.]] ǀ  .69 ǀ 41.5
41.5 ǀ 41.0 ǀ 47.5 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NNW]]
12 M. ǀ  .72 ǀ 40.5 ǀ 49 ǀ 48.5 ǀ
48 ǀ WNW
4 P.M. ǀ  .70 ǀ 42 ǀ 45 ǀ 44.5 ǀ 48 
8 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ  .72 ǀ 42 ǀ
44 ǀ 43.5 ǀ 47 ǀ NW
12 "[[Ditto for: P.M.]] ǀ  .74 ǀ 41.5 ǀ 44 ǀ 43. ǀ 47 ǀ "[[Ditto for: NW]]

Weather variable. Squalls of rain alternating

Transcription Notes:
Geographic names checked: Port Clarence; Pt. Spencer; Grantley Harbor; Bering Strait. See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: