Viewing page 40 of 55

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[[underlined in red]] Station [[/underlined]] Anchorage off Big Diomede Id. Bering Str
[[underlined in red]] Date [[/underlined]] 1880. Sept 10 - Friday
[[underlined in red]] Wind [[/underlined]] fresh N.N.W. to N. (Mag) Temp. of air 38° @ 7 A.M.

Bearings from anchorage

Fairway Rock E.S.E 1/8 E

Little Diomede {E by N 1/4 N
               {N.E. 1/8 N.

Big Diomede    {N. 3/4 E.
               {W. 1/4 N.

Depth | Temperature | Time  | Remarks
Top   | 43 1/2      | 7 A.M.| At 7 A.M. Tide running to N.E. and holding
"     | 44          | 8.30  | vessel broadside to the wind. At 7.50 ship
"     | 44          | 9-    | swung around and at 8.10 the tide held her
"     | 44          | 9.30  | portside to the wind as before it had held
Top   | 44          |}      | the starboard.
  5   | 44          |}      |----------------------------------------------
 10   | 43 1/4      |}      |
 15   | 42 1/2      |} 10- {| Serial soundings temp. with Sp. Gravity Cup.
 20   | 42 1/2      |}     {|
 23   | 42 1/2      |}     {|
      |             |      {|
      |             |       |----------------------------------------------
 23   | 41.2*       | 10-10 | Sp. Gr. = .1024
Top   | 44 1/3      | 10-10 | " " [[dittos for: Sp. Gr.]] = .1023
Top   | 44 1/4      | 10.30 | * Bottom temp. here is too cool from
                            | evaporation from the cup while standing in
                            | the wind.
[[* asterisks written in red ink]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[Four columns with titles]] Depth | Temperature | Time | Remarks [[/column titles]]
Top | 44 1/2 | 11. A.M. | 
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 1/2 | 11.30 | 
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 3/4 | 12.00 |
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 3/4 | 12.30 P.M. |
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 3/4 | 1.00 P.M. |
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 3/4 | 1.30 |
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 44 1/2 | 2.00 |
" [[Ditto for: Top]] | 45 | 3.00 | Made sail direct course for Indian Pt.

 |   |   | Surface current here 1 ft. per seconds W. by S.

[[red underlined]] Bearings after swinging [[/red underlined]]

  |  |  | S edge E. Cape W. by N 1/2 N.
  |  |  | " " [[Dittos for: S edge]] Big Diomede N W. by W. 1/2 W. Obs. Spot (=Astronomical Station) N. by W 1/4 W
  |  |  | N. edge Big Diomede N. 1/2 E.
  |  |  | W. " [[Ditto for: edge]] Little " [[Ditto for: Diomede]] N. E. 1/2 N.
  |  |  | E. " " " [[Dittos for: edge Little Diomede]] E. by N 3/4 N [[red]] * [[/red]]
  |  |  |  Fairway Rock E. S. E. [[red]] † [[/red]]
  |  |  |  Cape Prince of Wales E 1/2 S [[red]] ‡ [[/red]]
[[red horizontal line across page]]
[[start red text]]
 * ENE 1/4 N
 † ? E by S 1/2 S Oct. 18th
 ‡ C. Oct. 16th
[[/red text]]

Transcription Notes:
Geographic names: Big Diomede Id. Bering Str; Fairway Rock; Little Diomede; Big Diomede; Indian Pt.; E. Cape; Cape Prince of Wales. See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: