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[[underlined]] Montreal [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Homewood [[/margin]] [[/underlined]]
with the sunshine filtering through - it is all a soothing beautiful memory. And beside one tent the fragrance of syringas laden with white bloom - and pervading it all the songs of the Veery thrushes that had taken possession of the old deserted home. What a tender touch of nature!

[[underlined]] July 10 [[/underlined]] we left Lyons Falls for Montreal. Went to Clayton & spent the night at the Hubbard House & the next day took the boat. Richlieu & Ontario Navigation Co. to Prescott. Beautiful wooded islands with picturesque castellated architecture & suitable wood colors that fade into the landscape. We were to have taken the Rapids Queen to Montreal but she got disabled & we were transferred to the Grand Trunk R.R. instead.

At Montreal we went to the Hotel Corona, a small moderate priced & very comfortable hotel, & spent the next day sight seeing. Chateau de Ramezay, the picturesque old home of French & Eng. governors,  Whose thick walls hark back to historic days, is now a museum of curios & historic relics. Notre Dame, St. James Cathedral, reproductions of Notre Dame of Paris & St Peters in Rome , the old Montreal bank, the

Transcription Notes: - if you want to hear what Florence heard