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[[underlined]] The Outlet [[/underlined]]

a pure white water lily - a marvelous flower on the bosom of the dark water - exhaling as we passed a breath of most delicate fragrance. In other places big yellow lily heads rose from broad ^ [[insertion]] green [[/insertion]] pads.
  There were not many birds in evidence but a [[underlined]] tshack [[/underlined]] in the greenery on our shore led to the discovery of an inquisitive female yellow throat clambering up a branch, the monotonous thin song of the Red-eye was ameliorated by the richer notes of the yellow-throated vireo & a still richer song of more quality which we suspected came from the solitary. The sweet ^ [[insertion]] lisping [[/insertion]] notes of chickadees, the [[underlined]] heuk-ah [[/underlined]] of the nuthatch, the cool woodland note of the pewee in harmony with the cool dark depths of the pools & the white water lilies.
A harsh  [[underline]] squack [[/underline]] from a Bittern rising on broad brown wings with hanging legs made us regret our dullness; but when, beyond, we caught sight of him standing at attention, our self reproach was transferred to the boat that we had let pass us (Wouldn't you like to go ahead?
We are just poking along, watching birds. Do you find any? - in tones of incredulous surprise) for when -[[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] absorbed in talk they had startled the Bittern,as it flew off one of them said in surprise - "Oh! there is a bird!" 
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