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[[underlined]] North Waterford Expedition [[/underline]]

   A party of the girls went for a two day's trip to North Waterford - about 15 miles walk each way.  It began raining the afternoon they left & kept up at intervals till they got back.  The trail was obscured by cow paths & lumbering & ^[[insertion]] their map was blurred by the rain & [[/insertion]] they got off from the trail and missed the farmhouse where they had expected to spend the night.  Trying to find themselves, as their compass wouldn't work, they looked at the lichen on the trees (???) & followed down a stream to one of the Five Kezar Ponds. In going around it they got into a Floating Bog & two of the girls who led suddenly - in the midst of the bracken - fell into water where she could not touch bottom - & had to be pulled out by the arms. Then, as the dense timber made it hard to walk around the edge of the pond, they took to the lake itself - wading up to their knees. When it was too [[blank space]] to wander about any longer they went back up ^[[insertion]] out of the marsh [[/insertion]] to higher ground & camped for the night. The matches at first would not light, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and they had visions of a night in ^[[insertion]] cold [[/insertion]] wet clothes on wet cold ground, but finally a light was struck & inner bark fed to it till soon a blazing fire was made.  Neckties and belts were