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[[underlined]] Auto to Bald Face [[/underlined]]

From the valley we could see the glow of blueberries on the rocky slopes of Bald Face.  Unusually large ones grow there & the people of the country go in parties to pick them.
At the Ledges where a ^[[insertion]] N.Y. [[/insertion]] Dean of a Theological school spends his summers with his sisters there in an attractive bungalow & cottages, & a 'Salem Tower' as they call it ^[[insertion]] where the men sleep. [[/insertion]]   
The tower is 3 storied.  On the first there is a shower bath & lockers & on the 2d & 3d a bedroom each ^ [[insertion]] so they shower & go to bed [[/insertion]] with window spaces on each of the four tower sides perhaps 10 X 5 ft, but no glass, glazed only by solid wooden blinds that slide across.  The views of the valley with its colored trees on one side & of the mountains on the other are worth the tower.  It looks right up ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Bald Face amphitheater.  The ledges are granite - over which Cold River falls in cascades.  On the road to the valley we went on the Creeper road & past the Kimballs.