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hunting blueberries.
The stirring rattle of the kingfisher resounds as he passes down the shore. There's an Empidonax flycatching! But if his lips must be sealed, his name must be unset down for, who would identify an Emp. with a glass!
Of all the voices that come to my tent who can say which is best? The homely caw of the crow ^ [[insertion]] down the lake [[/insertion]] the stirring [[underlined]] kee-you [[/underlined]] of the big red - shoulder ^ [[insertion]] up on the hill [[/insertion]] the clarion bugle of Myiarchus ^[[insertion]] from the wood [[/insertion]] the dreamy whistle of the wood pewee [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]]
the sweet realistic lover's call of the goldfinch, the bark of the barred owl disturbed from his nap deep in the wood, the liquid call of the sandpiper from the beach, the ^[[insertion]] whippoor-will & the [[/insertion]] lonely cry of the loon from the lake? 
Or are those best whose voices come in the hush of sunset - ^[[/insertion]] across the lake as the colors fade behind the mts. the querious ^[[insertion]] call of the [[/insertion]] whippoorwill, or [[/insertion]] the soul-stirring song of the hermit thrush, from out of the heart of the forest?
Quawks were heard in the night (Aug 7) 
Aug. 11 - I opened the flap of my tent & pushed out cautiously to see the hawk that was calling. Had it come to the tent clearing to hunt for our chipmunks? The call stopped & up in a pine top the Blue Jay white flashed off to the woods.
[[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] compacted of all the mystic secrets of woodland sunshine & green shade
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed "upside down" page first to be consistent with rest of project. Use the triangle shaped rotate button at top of image. Transcribed "upsidedown" page first then page 91 If unsure of a word (for example "text") TC instructs to transcribe as [[text?]] Don't need [[end page]] [[start page]] unless moving from transcribing one page to the next in the same image. See instructions