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Jeddah July 24 1948

Dear Mr. Don:
Thank you very much for sending me the nice letter. I hope that you are feeling much better now and that your sickspell is something in the past.  I was really gla^[[d]] to be able to help you and so was Ali. We got a lot of fun our of it.
Thanks once more for the little things you let me have. They may come in handy when I go fishing myself. Ali has quit and he will be going back to Yamen. I will take you^[[r]] advise and go to see Dr. Gonet but I am really feeling very much better myself. 

When the pictures you took are developed, please send me a print of the one you took of me.  And if it is not to^[[o]] much trouble will you please send me a ittle of that fish poison. I have seen some more different kinds of fish which you dont have yet. Also some large jack fish you were after. And when you are back in America, please see what you can do for me. It sounds good the way you talked about it. It would be a real opportunity for me to be able to visit the United States.

I hope that you will come back to Jeddah. If so, I will be glad to help you again.

Salaams from your
^[[Assistant Hussein]]