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[[image - drawing of dhow]]
   Apr. 3 - We were to go to Bahrain at 9:00 A.M.; we finally left at 1:30 P.M. Two launches broke down and we got picked up by a motored dhow with Arabs, and reached Manama, Bahrain, about 6:00 P.M. There were over 50 sailing dhows in the 
[[image - drawing of jellyfish]] 
[[image label]] fuqlol [[strikethrough]] ol [[/strikethrough]] or jeddah. [[strikethrough]] fucolo [[/strikethrough]] [[/image label]] harbor, as we entered (an impressive sight). On the way over I counted over 300 bell shaped grey opaque jellyfish with bells up to 8" in diameter. The tentacles were stoutish about a foot long and often a bright blue purple. They were fairly well spread out over the open gulf water.
    This evening, Ed and I drove around Bahrain and out of town to a date garden with a fresh pool where boys were swimming and would dive for "bakseesh". We also talked to Mr. Kanoo who owned our dhow, and he consented to our drilling holes in the deck. This evening after getting set up in the coffee house we drove to Owahli to see the Bahco set up, and we met some interesting English fellows: Jerry Smith, an artist, Morris Kaye, from Durham, and Bing Ford, an undertaker (a friend of Bill Luhman who went with us). Mr. Chub had no telephone so I did not see him. [[underline]] The water of the Persian [[/underline]] Gulf is quite a clear blue with varied sand and coral and some seaweed bottom. There was considerable sargassum like weed floating in spots. 

   Apr. 4th- I woke up with a worse cold this morning, but did manage to stagger around a bit to see the town in the morning. I went to a local market and saw dried fish including

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1 foot mullets, small siganids, small gerrids, small earangids like Oligoplites, and sardine like herrings. 
  I walked along the wharf and watched men working on their dhows, and donkeys and carts bringing in coral sand way out on the flats. There is quite a bit of sea weed brown in color, and also what looks like true [[underline]] Ulva [[/underline]] (bright green in color). The tide differential appears to be great because the bottom deepens very gradually.
  This afternoon we left Manama about 2:30 P.M. in a  launch and we reached Al Khobar about 5:30 P.M. In spots there were large rafts of sargassum like weed.

  Apr. 5th- I chased around all day today getting equipment together for the boat like fish banels, etc. I felt completely miserable with a cold. 

  Apr. 6th- Still utterly miserable, but I got all the food for us and the Arabs today, and cleared thru customs. 

  Apr. 7th- Miserable with the cold still, a shamal of sand outside, I checked on a few items, and spent most of the day on my bed.

  Apr. 8- Miserable, I managed to get some more equipment for the boat, and with the help of Mr. Bruchard I got a couple of crab nets made with 2 hoe handles and stiff wire for hoops.  I made up one net with some of Gurley's fish line.

  Apr. 9- I made up another crab net today