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fish (5 small Lethrinids), and 1 green wrasse in the eel pot. The dried herring does not seem much good for bait. The traps are large and clumsy, and not as good as the native ones. These are large made of chicken wire and concrete iron rods, and are not as good as the others.  [[image - trap]] We left for Ras Tanura about 2:15. It was calm and overcast when we hauled the traps but the wind freshened and the sky cleared as we got under way. At 2:30 & 2:33, 2 chanad were brought aboard one on a red & white jig, the other on a silver spoon. At 3:40 P.M. we caught a Shan'ad which I kept as a specimen U-48-23. We soon after arrived at Ras Tanura west pier and all the flies duly boarded our boat. Ed appeared and a butane gas stove was soon installed and more supplies brought aboard. Jim and I ate in town partly to get away from the flies. The night was very calm and we used the light off the boat at a barge some 600 yds, north of the dock, U-48-24. Dussumierids, herring, atherinids, were caught, and a few half-beaks, some gars, and other larger fish were present from time to time. The water was clear and the tide ebbing fast.

   Apr. 27- glass calm this morning early with a bright hot sun. We headed north along Ras Tanura up Tarut Bay to Shmayly Id. a small sand island with sand hummocks covered with fleshy poor grass green & red in color. The isle (means "small northerly") 1/4 mile long by 200 yds wide about 6 ft. elevation. Abdullah and I caught 2 sand lizards, and Abdullah & Gurley did collecting with the 15' seine on sand bottom on the north side. Large [[underline]] C. dispar [[/underline]] and small mullet were most abundant. Some few small gerrids, baby sillagos?, 1 Platycephalus, all sand colored. At the northwest corner of the isle there is pot hole black reef rock, at the edge of which are numerous porgy; "sbati" [[underline]] Sargus nect [[/underline]] with spots on the tail etc. I picked up a skeleton of a band headed porgy. There was a considerable tide rip

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at the north tip with a channel. This afternoon, we watched two native fishermen worked their palm stick stake traps. They go right into the trap box which is most closely woven and use a [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] one inch stretch mesh scoop net 2' by 3' with a stick at either end and one man wades around chasing the fish into the corners, and scooping them up that way.  [[image - dotted lines sketch]] Out of the two traps on the south side of Shmayly Id. they got a possible total 30lbs. But it was just a day catch and was mostly sardines, a few [[underline]] Chirocentrus dorab [[/underline]], 2 [[underline]] puffers [[/underline]], U-48-26, a leatherjack, a seriola, and several scads. The bottom at the south corner of Shmayly Id. was overgrown with long brown gulf weed which was rooted to the bottom. I caught 1 blenny there which was like the ones caught under the drifting weed at El Qatif. 
    There was considerable tide around most of the island. This evening I fished by night light from the side and caught 3 gar with the lift hoop net, + silversides and small herring.

    Apr.28- By radio message this morning we were ordered back to Dharhan for a conference on Apr. 29th; so another several days fishing was completely destroyed as far as I am concerned. We did a little trolling in the morning and caught on shanad out off Ras Tanura. We spent the whole afternoon getting to Dhahran and even got held up by customs at the Ras Tanura west pier because of our bags.  The air-conditioning in the house seemed very cold in fact uncomfortable at Dhahran.

    Apr. 29th- We attended the conference which was almost entirely concerned with the final check for the fish pier plans. There was hardly any need for Stewart to be there and absolutely none for me. I wrote letters to the folks and Lucile. I was generally in an ugly mood. I went back to Ras Tanura on the 2:00 P.M. taxi, and got to the Palestine in time to do some evening trolling with some other fellows

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: very clean--just one tiny misspelling.