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who had just worked 2 traps. We got some bait cuttlefish and gub gubs & several specimens, Sillago, 2 gerrids, platy cephalus, Chanos, & flatfish. 'Ali (BuAlwa) from Sanabis, Tarut Id. next to town of Tarut, fish contractor who sells fish to Ras Tanura and buys from these fishermen at Tarut.
   At 8:30 A.M. we caught a shanad on a R&W Miller jig about a mile north of west pier in Tarut Bay.  Around 9:30 A.M. 5 large traps set at Had ar raml baited with crab & cuttlefish 1 fathom and about a 1/2[[image -rock pile and sand dune, with labels- rock pile, sand dune]]  mile north of west pier. It is below iron pilings which are south of our former sand spit anchorage. 
    We spent the rest of the day in a bight just north of this sand spit. Our new captain Abdullah arrived and he proved himself to be an ardent fisherman, and he caught two porgies by set line from the shore in to deep water near some rocks. He shelled a shrimp and used the tail on [[image- hook with shrimp]] the hook with the hook hidden inside. I set my two eel pots in 2 fathoms of water on muck sand bottom, and got parapercids, Terapons and an apogonid the next day. I set a trammel net [[image -upside down T]] to the shore in the same water the anchors tightened on the line and it sank; all I caught was a big shrimp, and jellyfish which are [[image - Jellyfish captioned "Iwaithy" stinging jellyfish]] small with a messy mop of stingers. This evening we used the light off the stern and got the ususual run  of herring, dussumierids, atherinids, a few larval herring, and many small 2mm ("Kentucky blue grass" green) bugs which turned blue grey in formalin the next day. We had one strong squall during the night according to Jim. We seined a sand bar and got shrimp, mullet, and Sillago. 
   May 4 - Clear with light breezes in the morning. The Captain caught a sbaiti 5lbs., S.L. 48cm., T.L. 54c.m., imm. ♀ with one fish head in stomach possibly an atherinid. I took several pictures of it. The canines are like a snapper but the molars are like the porgy.    9 A.M. The boys lifted 5 traps with specimens + 3 large groupers (smallest kept as specimen) largest 52 c.m. T.L. 5 lbs, large crab in stomach unripe ♀ [[underline]] E. tauvina [[/underline]]
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4 Lethrinus nebulosus & 1 Scolopsis (saved for bait). The one trap off Ras Tanura ^[[west]] pier had one small blowfish kept as a specimen U-48-39. We caught two mackerel east of Ras Tanura, and one large one just off west pier. The other two were caught 1/4 mile off shore between east pier & Zejma.
   We reached buoy #7 about 12:30, and put over our drop lines. The weather was slightly overcast with very light breezes dying to a flat calm in the afternoon. There is about 6 1/2 fathoms at #7 with sand bottom. I had two small bites and lost it, then 10 minutes later I got a tremendous fish on the line which pulled then stopped and finally broke the line. It was probably either a large grouper or a catfish. Ahmed caught a gar just as we approached the buoy on a silver spoon. Abdullah caught an [[underline]]Ablennes[[/underline] (3 ft.) on a bobber off the boat. Tho Gurley came out later with a launch no other fish were caught. I saw a small [[image - marlin or swordfish emerging from water]] 3 ft marlin or swordfish not far away, and a 5 ft. one at quite a distance. Considerable [[underline]] Ablennes [[/underline]] were swimming around in pairs or fours skimming the surface or jumping. I think I saw a barracuda but it may have been an [[underline]] Ablennes [[/underline]]. We saw small tuna or bonito playing around at the surface 5-10 lbs specimens, and a large school of smallish jacks 12-15 inches. Tiny fish were fairly abundant around bits of seaweed at the surface, I saw some 1 inch banded [[underline]] 
Seriolas [[/underline]] but could not catch them; there were also some fry with large heads and tan color. I caught one very small banded pipefish. [[image - jellyfish top view]] Pink aurelia jellyfish 6-8" in diameter were very common and there were also some "dul." The water was quite clear, and the gars and [[underline]] Ablennies [[/underline]] had a deep water blue and bright silver sides. There was not much noticeable tide. We need cut fish, some cuttlefish, and shrimp for bait. We caught quite a few shrimp in the seine last night. We also saw a couple of porpoises at buoy 7, cor-