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     May 22nd - The shamal continued with intensity all day with white caps on the bay. It quieted a little at sunset. We remained tied to the fish pier.  All the tent two by four pieces on our roof would probably make it easy for the Palestine to capsize in a rough sea.  The fish pier was frequented a good part of the day by Arabs, and one fellow was having good success catching gerrids (6-8") with sand worms for bait and small hooks. Abdullah also caught several this way. Some coast guard officers came aboard for tea and talk this afternoon with Jim.  I caught a small filefish near my eel pot line before dark U-48-70, and I also caught some [[insert]] ^ small [[/insert]] halfbeaks etc. under the light at night.
     May 23rd - It calmed down some last night and early morning, but by 8:30 A.M. it was clear and blowing a strong shamal still. It did not calm down till evening, and it was relatively calm all night. The crew fished off the fish pier with small hooks and small sand worms for bait, and they caught 5 [[underline]] Periophthalmus [[/underline]] for me that way. I caught a lot of herring and small scads with the hoop net in the afternoon. The night offered fishing including a new specimen [[hand-drawn image of fish]] of [[underline]] Callionymus [[/underline]] ?  I also caught several small barracuda about 2" long. Also I saw 2 spotted eagle rays, [[underline]] Aetobatus [[/underline]], swimming offshore. They were a scarce 2 feet in wing spread, colored much the same as the west Indian species
     May 24 - Increasing shamal winds and clear sky wind more westerly of north. Specialists bordered our boat in numbers as usual but offered no useful suggestions regarding our leaking stove. Then about 6 fire extinguishers came aboard for as many fire hazards. I caught a   [[hand-drawn and colored image of fish with caption U-48-71]] new goat fish in my eel pot this morning with nearly blood red sides and olive green back barbels white, fins colorless except
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the first dorsal. It continued windy all morning and until late afternoon. I wrote up notes and wrapped fish specimens in the morning. In the afternoon, Abdullah Suliman and party came out on the pier a few minutes and we chatted with them. They did not have much time  I also talked with Garry Owen and both he and Abdullah want me to come over to Jiddah any time. In fact Garry Owen said I will be seeing you in Jiddah, and Mr. Suliman said he would show me the kinds of fish there. Mr. Suliman still wants to go fishing and is apparently willing to wait for the weather. We barely managed to get dressed and have Abdullah put up the flag before they were on top of us. I sent a letter to Lucile today and also, a character sketch of myself plus explanation of my mission over here to Jack Mahoney of the Sun and Flare.  I also received news today from Lucile of Larry's intended marriage on June 6th to Marian Williams; thus endeth the bachelors in our end of the family.  If I had not already been married to a wonderful wife, I would have felt a very definite pang of jealousy for Larry's happiness.  Jim and I went into Ras Tanura for supper and I got a travelers check turned in for reals.
     May 25 - It was calm most of last night, and a moderate westerly wind set in about 7 A.M.  The sunrise was dusty this morning with a silver sun burning through the dusty haze; as the moon just past its full was hazy last night.  Today was fair with light winds most of the day. We could have gone off but the weather prediction was for a bad shamal, and no definite orders to proceed from Dhahran.  Needless to say, I am tiring again of waiting. We put oil on board, and got the stove fixed again. My eel pots continue to yeild [[sic]] fish, but around here I get more during the day than the night. [[underline]] Apogon thurstoni [[/underline]] seems to be the only one that runs in at night. Yesterday, I got 9 blunt head porgies