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were also other jibbab in the distance all about 2 mi. north of west pier. There were also at least 20 or 30 [[underline]] P. phoecena [[/underline]] porpoise (grey helmet type) playing around just before we saw the albacore. 
   Around noon I saw 2 large black and white birds like oyster catchers flying north near Za'al Id. We reached Za'al about [[writeover--number 7 written over number 2]] P.M. and around sunset the wind flattened out to almost a flat calm. When the tide started to come in white stringy foam floated by probably stuff off the flats. We used the light over the side, and caught many 4" halfbeaks and a couple of young, [[underline]] Chilonodon [[/underline]]; "Swede" caught an 18" snake with a dark black head. There was a 3" [[underline]] Periopthalamus [[/underline]] inside the snake in recognizable shape and color. We made the mistake of cutting up the snake for bait for a set line; it was absolutely worthless. We also used some halfbeak for bait. We saw some [[underline]] Triacanthus [[/underline]] again. We got the set line set with anchor and cement block by midnight. [[strikethrough]] At 6:30 we [[/strikethrough]] The wind came up some during the night and blew quite hard for awhile. There was a beautiful sunset this evening with red clouds. 
   June 3rd - Fair with a light shamal at 6:30 A.M. We caught one hayaseh [[female symbol]] 65 cm. 1 1/2 lbs. with egg yolks inside and empty stomach. The crew does not eat them, but will eat "[[Naud ?]]". My eel pots yeilded only [[underline]] L. miniatus [[/underline]] & [[yg faskar ?]] & [[underline]] Plesiops [[/underline]] (brown). They were set in 1 fath, on muck sand bottom with sparse grass. We did not have time to grapel for yesterdays line and grapnel?]] so we left a line and a marker. We got under way at 9:05 A.M. I took a picture of the fish trap with Za'al in the background. Tide just about dead low. We put on supplies about 10 A.M.; the ice had been waiting an hour. We got a glimpse of Gurley and arrangements are being made to get the boat cleaned; though it may be part of a ruse the captain went to Bahrain this afternoon to get fish oil for the boat. "Swede" went into Ras Tanura to round up some equipment for fishing gear, and in the afternoon got some floats together.
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I spent sometime on the phone to speak more at length with Gurley. I also spent sometime looking up Mr. Brown to discuss the boat situation. Being "cooly pay day" there are no helpers around this afternoon so I decided to head out again for Za'al Id. About 3 p.m. we left the fish pier with [[strikethrough]] light [[/strikethrough]] moderate shamal winds. It was blowing hardest around noon today. We arrived at Za'al Id. at 4 P.M. and the temperature in the shade was 36 [[degree symbol]] c. In the sun on the museum boxes on deck, it was 42°c. We trolled 2 lines but had no luck. I set my eel pots in the heavy tide off the rocks on the west end of Za'al.
   I baited a set line with pieces of "Hayaseh" the [[female symbol]] we got this morning. The tan skin was as rough and tough as the hardest grade emory paper. I found to my surprise 2 skate like egg cases with embryo eggs inside 2 1/2 by 1 1/2" [[image: drawing of skate case]]; so evidently this is a small egg laying species. Another egg apparently became free or was free from a case; it was one I noticed in the morning. Tho the shark had been lying around all day the eggs were oderless and in good preservation and were saved as U-48-85. It was almost a calm when I set the eel pots, and also when Abdullah (bahar) and I set the set line just before sunset. 
   After supper from about 9 to 11 P.M., 4 of us went ashore with spears and lanterns to Za'al Id. Except where the fish trap is and the bottom is mud; at low tide the bottom is hard all the way around the island with small pieces of sand rock ("hasa"). Walking is difficult, and seining not advisable except at high tide. I speared a 6" toadfish and saw [[underline]] Sillago [[/underline]], gub gubs in abundance, and the smaller dark brown crabs. On the north side of the island there were a lot of large fish jumping around when they saw the light. They were silver and 10-12". I think they were mullet, because I saw one, but I am not sure. Hamed caught a 12 inch sole with a yellow lining around his dorsal & anal fins. It was quite chunky, and ex-