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June 15 - Continued strong shamal, the moon was clouded with dust early this morning, and visibility is about 1/4 mile at most. The flies are a damn nuisance at this pier. The shade temperature is 35°c. The crew found the leak in the boat up in the bow but say they can fix it in Ras Tanura. Now we are waiting for the weather. This morning, I wrapped a collection of fishes, and with both Abdullahs' help some leaders to small hooks were made. Temperature on top of a kerosene barrel on deck in sun is 49°c. at 11:30 A.M. Water temp. near end of Manama pier 29°c at near high tide. I tried some salt cuttlefish on the small hooks and it looked just like fresh stuff after it had soaked a little water, but there was a lot of ulva getting on the hooks, and I got no bites tho I lost some bait.
I went into town around 3:30, but there were only dried fish, a couple of squashed crabs, and fins from a large jackfish. The flies had moved over to feast on a freshly killed goat. The town all over seemed to stink worse than ever today, but may be it is always that way, and only that my spirits are a little lower now. Watching the long boat crews go by all day is a site. One long boat had two black Tom tom beaters and a hornblower as well as the humming and chanting. Usually there is one chanter he may be rowing in the middle or sitting astern while the others hum a chorus in unison and time to the oars. The Kuwaiti replace the hum with a curious growl as mentioned in the "Sons of Sinbad".  The shamal lessened in the afternoon, almost calm by 5 P.M.; I would like to have moved away from the pier, may be to a fishing spot. Of course, there was not any enthusiasm from the crew on this point. About 7:45 P.M. at dusk a breeze picked up from the west but it was light. After dark I tried night light fishing over the side not expecting much, but it turned out to be the best yet: small flying fish, pipefish,
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young jacks, blowfish, and the crowning achievement 3 sea horses about 1 A.M. I had secretly yearned for sea horses "wuzz" in Arabic meaning turkey.
June 16 - Hard shamal from 1 A.M. on visibility less than 1/4 mile at 8 A.M. at which time we set sail. Course N.W. by W. 8:10 A.M. outmost dhows only visible; Bahrain out of sight. The boat is the dirtiest with dust, I have seen yet. 10:25 KHor Fasht buoy 1/4 mi. off port beam [[image of buoy]] 1 jalboot on our starboard going S.E.; our course N.W. just a hair west of the shamal wind. Horizon still dusty but slightly clearer. Another jalboot off starboard bow at 10:30 1/4 mile same course as first jalboot. White caps, gusty wind, waves possibly 2 feet; no detectable swells. We saw a black cormorant about 10 A.M. bringing to mind that most of them are brownish with grey white throats around here. There may be two species or difference in color of the sexes. By 10:50 increasing shamal winds brought about constant squalls and the waves and small swells may possibly some of them been 4 feet. Some spray came on deck, and the Palestine labored heavily making little headway against the teeth of the wind. 11:40 A.M. course changed to S.W. to follow the trough of the sea and make for land. 12:10 P.M. tug sighted 1/4 mi. south at Chas chus anchorage. 12:15 P.M. broad 100 ft. band of numerous jellyfish (large white ones again). 12:40 P.M. Chaschus shoal reached and course changed to N.W. The seas were considerably smaller here, and possibly the wind less. At 1:30 P.M. we heaved anchor to pump the bilge and to refuel. It is nice there are so many shallow places. At 2:30 P.M. the sky was clearer visibility at least a mile, no shore in sight. We are probably in the lower reaches of Tarut Bay. The water is greyish green here like the water at Saihat & Qatif. We weigh anchor at 2:30 P.M. and are off again for Ras Tanura. 4:15 P.M. after sailing all points of the compass we passed Chas chus sand bar which has a tide pond in the center