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[[underline]] pictus [[/underline]] in the rocks at the base of the pier.  [[underline]] Plesiops [[/underline]] and Pomacentrids have also flocked around, and even angel fish.  ^[[June 19]] The shamal was blowing still at 7 P.M. tho somewhat lighter.  Swede did not appear so I went to the movies, and it was flat calm when I returned to the boat.  The wind came up and flattened out about 3 times during the night.  At dawn it was blowing strong WNW and gradually shifted more to N.W. as the morning went on.  I netted some blennies from weed floating by at 6 A.M., and kept several in a gallon jar of salt water, but they had all died by 10:30 A.M.  I lifted the eel pots this morning and got the usual species but a fair variety a toadfish, Lethrinus, both Apogons, a filefish, [[underline]] Pelates [[/underline]], wrasse, Plesiops, and [[underline]] Parapercis [[/underline]].  I spent a good part of the morning finding Mr. Evans to give him the order for our food and supplies.  I finally found him in his office and passed over the order.  I went into town for lunch today, and after lunch I roved the sand beach on the Gulf.  It seemed to be pure sand with sea weed in the waves being brought up by the shamal, and numerous small shells in two main rows half way up the beach, and some at the waters edge.  Pearl oysters, several species of clams, a small black oyster, one or two limpets, one very small mussel, snails, worms shells, scallops, and rough red claims [[image red clam]] were among the shells found and kept.  I also got a letter today from Mother, with an excellent picture of her and Lucile and also Larry and Marian.  This afternoon was used up waiting for supplies and everything happened in as exasperating manner as possible.  Still no mechanic came for the light motor and the water did not come till 6 P.M.  Such a day just wears one out and there is little to show for it.  The wind had lightened by sunset.
I left the pier in the Palestine about sunset bound 1 1/4 north.  Swede was talking to some folks, and would have followed in the Tarut, but her batteries were dead.  Not knowing the trouble and 
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our light plant being dead and no [[guly?]], we returned at 10 P.M. to find a fisherman claiming he had 1,000 lbs. of fish held at the customs pier.  I was about ready to blow my top since I love the "shirtas" like I do a bad case of small pox.  It turned out, however, their boat had come to pass customs, and the motor did not start again.  So we towed it to the fish pier with the Palestine and I had them unload the fish on the pier.  Then I went to get Gurley who was just getting up.  The only thanks for my pains was to get a bawling out for unloading the fish on the pier which meant the Co. had to buy them.  But life is like that here.  There was 13 75 lbs. of fish which filleted down to 425 lbs.  They were caught with shrimp as bait & crab for chum off Najwa in 2 hours around sundown with 15 men fishing.  "Kufdar" or "Gufdar" were the most abundant, then parrotfish, several groupers, 2 [[underline]] Rachycentron [[underline]], 1 shari, and 1 Plectorhynchus pictus (possibly 15").  The largest gufdar was about 10 lbs. and 3" in length.  About 23 fish averaged 100 lbs.  The smaller gufdar have thin black bands [[strikethrough]] stripes [[/strikethrough]] at 12 - 15" which disappear as they grow larger.  The black spots varied from few to several on the sides.  The head was like Seriola, but there were a few armed scutes on the caudal peduncle.  The parrotfish were nearly rotten (20 - 24"), and the other fish were in fair state of preservation.  I would rather have fresher specimens to preserve so I did not keep any.  There was also one large 3 ft. pompano.  The parrotfish varied from light green with light blue under chin to pinkish on the sides.  I believe the shorter bodied pink specimens were ♀s, and the longer greenish ones were ♂s.  The gufdar were full of shrimp and some ♂ testes I saw were only near mature.  When I hit the sack about midnight I was just about dead.  The moon is getting near full again.
   June 20th - It was calm last night, but there was a moderate