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I saw a six inch diameter solid white jellyfish with 2 small jacks swimming around it. Also recovered were several [[image - jellyfish]]  [[insertion]] pelagic tunicate genus [[underline]] salpa [[/underline]] [[/insertion]]]] ctenophore shaped jellyfish about 2" which are transparent with a reddish ball at one end. They swim by contracting and expanding the body they swim. They are particularly abundant now around the pier, but I have noticed them all along and have collected them before. Abdullah captain decided to beach the boat today to fix a small leak which is still present near the port bow. What with the light motor in the machine shop and a lost oarlock, and indefinite delay; it probably is a good idea to beach the boat at this time. Early this morning the incoming tide crashed the Tarut against the south side of the fish pier which broke off some of the fish pier, which probably can be easily tacked together again!
Abdullah Sol, seaman, brought me some dark almost black Platax from Bahrain, also [[underline]] Nemipterus [[/underline]] and Terapon, U-48-108. Since Blegvad does not record or figure [[underline]] Platax [[/underline]], I am hazy about the genus but know that these fish belong to the genus Ephippidae. At any rate it is interesting to know that they do occur around Bahrain. [[Image - fish]] The over all color of both specimens was dark greyish black with black fins. Here I [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] will attempt merely to reproduce roughly the outline of this species. I touched up an article for "Sun and Flare" on local fish color which may answer. During the day we ran the boat "Palestine" up on the beach to plug a couple of small holes over on the south side of West Pier. I wrote notes and wrapped fishes all morning. This afternoon some large groupers, "hamoor", shari, [[underline]] Plectorhynchus [[/underline]] and several sbaiti groupers (I got one to pickle U-48-111.) About 5:30 P.M. Ed brought a 4" chanad down the pier which he had saved from the shrimp catch. The shrimp catch came from Tarut Id. and Tarut Bay. This chanad had 
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an all black dorsal #1 ,and had the beginning of irregular grey bands on the sides, and large teeth. The gill rakers were still rudimentary and therefor not countable. It is likely that this is a this year's fish possibly hatched sometime in April? At this point, I will mention that I saw adult and young [[underline]] Terapon [[/underline]] (the target variety) over near the sand beach on the south side of West Pier ,in the afternoon on an incoming tide.   Troubles occurred with the Tarut crew ,but Swede and I finally got up to Had al Ruml with both boats to fish for the night. The light "Kohler" motor is still in the shop so no night light fishing.  We set a shark line and had no luck again.  The seining was very poor with the outgoing tide tho ,I got a good collection of small stuff. Gubs gubs were very numerous. With the big mesh company seine we made one set from shore and got one crab ,and another set and we got a large piece of branch coral which nearly tore the net, and a black long spined sea urchin. The night was calm with a near full moon and flood tide around 6 P.M. The moon was rather orange near the horizon because of the dust.
June 22- A moderate shamal sprang up about 2 A.M. and at sunrise it was still moderate from 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 it blew real hard with white caps on the bay. Then it flattened out to nearly a calm. The eel pots were productive today with two small [[image: fish with yellow tail]] yellow tailed pomacentrids ,and a olive green and yellowish ophichthyd eel with the tubular nostrils and prominent dorsal & anal fins but no caudal. The eel also had a propensity to go backwards.  It was about 2 feet long.    The day was wasted in port ,altho we did get our light motor back again after it had been fixed. I used shrimp to bait the eel pots and I got quite a collection of querqufans and 1 Nemipterus this evening. This evening I took
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