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The mountains were clear in the back ground to-day and the wind was breezy from the northwest, and the flatness of the desert created considerable mirage. This evening we were invited to the American legation, Mr. Childs is consul, and he mentioned to me a fishing trip Thursday. Two I.B.I. fellows ^[[insertion]] Mr. [[/insertion]] Ross, Spence, and Linsey invited me fishing for tomorrow. I also met Bud [[insertion]] Fred [[/insertion]] Babcock, whom I did not recognize at first, but he spoke of Orient and Caroline, so we had quite a talk. He works for Sams, as does Mr. Powell. There were drink, & movies on the roof, and the evening was pleasant and I am glad that I went.
July 5 - We left the pier 7 A.M. [[arrow]] [[insertion]]Mr. Linsey, & the Bechtel boys 2 cuttlefish seen at surface [[/insertion]]] in a 20 ft. launch with a kerosene motor and 2 rather sullen Sudani's  and we trolled around Jidda harbor with 3 spoons inside the reefs. About 9 A.M. just inside the outer reef at the south corner a large jack [[underlined]] Caranx [[/underlined]] sp. was landed. It looked most like C. latus but did not have black fins. I was grey green on top and silver below, and clear fins. It weighed about 20 lbs, a [[image: female sign]]  near ripe (?), 33" to tail fork, depth 3, head 3 1/4, 28 hard scutes, P-20, D [[roman numeral]] VI-17 [[roman numeral]], A-[[roman numeral]] II [[roman numeral]]-16. Gill rakers lower arch 12 + 2 rudiments. Native name "gherrm"? It was caught near a reef ^[[insertion]] clear water [[/insertion]]. A half hour later in murky water we caught a barracuda ("Agam") 14 lbs. S.L. 38" A-9 D-9, and it looked very similar in size shape and coloring even to a few black blotches of [[underline]] Sphyraena barracuda.[[underline]] We stopped at a reef a while to eat, and I examined a deep large coral protuberance.[[underline]] Acanthurus [[underline]] with white peduncles were most abundant, also ^ [[insertin]] light [[/insertion]] blue ^ [[insertion]] [[underline]] Chromis? [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] demoiselles, like pink or blue parrots, [[underline]] Dascyllus, [[/underline]] a small black blue & white wrasse [[image: hand drawn picture of fish - black, white w/blue coloring]] which I approximate from memory.[[underline]] Heniochus , Abudefduf murginatus, Chaetadons [[/underline]] (2 species) etc. It was calm in the morning with a northwest breeze starting about 11:30 A.M. We trolled the surface without heavy lead. I also saw some blunt headed snappers about 14 inches T.L. I saw 2 or 3 [[underline]] ospreys [[/underline]], and a couple of [[underline]] pelicans [[/underline]] in the distance.
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This afternoon, the wind died again. Ali, Hasane, and I drove again to Gubat Ashra. The sea was calm enough so we could wade to the reef's edge and look into the seas blue abyss. At the reefs edge were myriads of fishes, and near the edge coral of all colors purple red, bright green, tan, grey, and brown. Rather than make comments I will list the species which are new: [[underline]] Acanthurus [[/underline]] with 4 orange spines & black,[[underline]] Nasus [[/underline]] grey in color sp. unicornis, [[underline]] Megaprotodon [[/underline]] ? orange yellow and black but not the same as the P. Gulf variety, Cirrhitus (brown,blue, & tan), red grouper with blue spots, grey shark, 3 feet, with black and white dorsals, black pomacentrids tiny but with white tails at the outermost edge of the reef, [[underline]] Pterois [[/underline]] with its flowing fins, 2 tremendous, 5 lb. & 3 lb. wrasse ?, they were dull grey shaped like [[underline]] Lethrinus [[/underline]] but with a wrasse like tail and big scales, black blue & white wrasse, a 10 inch black wrasse with a white blotch on the side, a [[underline]] Caranx [[/underline]] with fine black spots & heavy head 10 inch specimens with bright blue back; old 30" specimens,  dull green on back, a black Ostracion cubicus; The other specimens like [[underline]] Ctenochaetus [[/underline]] had opposition or rather were actually collected. In shore next to the reef ^[[insertion]] rock [[/insertion]] the temperature of the water was 32° centigrade. The air was 35°c. Gerrids and other fish were swimming around in the hot water.
    July 6th - Up at 4:30 A.M., had breakfast, and worked on my fishes collected yesterday. Some of the larger ones did not have good smelling intestines, and I probably should have cut their bellys last night instead of this morning. I did not feel too hot today sort of like having a cold for a long time, but I went down to the fish market with Hasane (as the fishing trip in the sail boat had folded up). We found a few fish to take pictures of and I got away with one real. This business, however, is not very successful, since they are loath either to stand, or especially lay their fish on the ground. The wind came up about 10 A.M., then it was too late. Hasane loves the sea, and has worked on several freighters. The salmoni are

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