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122   Felix Iñigo, Mr. Ohligher re: plane Aug. 10   letter to Lucile July 21

up to a prom that year or the year before. The goats are specific  the female is Mr. Nievese's goat that ate all my pole limas in Luguillo, Puerto Rico. Other goats had filed on before but they were not the evil characters. The billygoat was Paco's goat Pepé. He was evil the day he was born and he almost ate up the week's pay roll one pay day. Roy Schall a tall blue-eyed blond was his A-I enemy. Roy could cover ground when he was mad and he could wield a stick. A chase between Pépe and Roy was a daily occurrence. Usually a loud "God damn!" and Pepe would fly out of the Recreation center with Roy hot on his heels. Pepé usually got a beating but it never bothered him. - Larry had never visited Cornell; I asked him a couple of times but he never could make it. the grey rocks and green hills and vales and the blue streams are a common and beautiful site in the Iroquois country of the finger lakes. The Cayuga Indians had a powwow place up the lake on the Cornell side not far from Wells College. It was still being used, and I remember seeing the place on the brow of a hill overlooking Lake Cayuga. Also I have seen Indian wars in movies. This is my explanation. Wind strong northwest this p.m. I got an invitation from the Minister tomorrow. 3 invitations in all  I have had to turn down for fishing!!! Damn, but my fishing career is over now. My fish syringe was cleaned out this afternoon and the necessary washings in the Persian Gulf added rust, so I daily cleaned all parts as well as possible.
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7/20/48 letter to Lucile, folks, Hussein, Dhahran fishing club Sunday 
re spot snapper       123

July 19 - the first night I slept practically straight thru  I feel a lot better this morning with Schultz report completed etc. with Red Sea Data & Puerto Rican plan. Strong northwest winds today with clear sky.
   July 20th - I feel much better today and have a lighter  I have lost quite a bit of weight and feel weak from my illness. I wrote a long preliminary report to the Aramco Relations office and the fishes of the Persian Gulf and Red Sea.   Fever 99.2°F at 6:00 P.M. Dr. Gonet  I also got a sick leave slip from Dr. Gonet for bronchial pneumonia.
   July 21 - Had best nights sleep last night and finished a letter to Lucile. And I feel better this morning. I toke the plane out of Jidda at 2 P.M. It was a bumpy ride over and didn't help my ears. I got a letter off to Lucile and one to Stewart. I bumped a ride up to Ras Tanura since the 8 P.M. taxi did not stop by the clubhouse. I saw Mary Leonardine [[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]] in the new dining hall and she will arrange a lecture for me Sunday.
   July 20 - Ed and I got up and had breakfast at 11: AM. I am still coughing. Windy and sunny today. Ed and I had fried shrimp and curry mayonnaise for our supper. The boys have been collecting fish for me and Abdullah Soli caught a sbaiti hook & line near sundown. About 500 lbs of large grouper came in.
   July 21 - Did not sleep well last night tho tired. Ed and I got up about 7A.M.; Scotty called us. It was windy with dusty sky with sun breaking thru 8.A.M.
   Letter to Ohligher re leaving on plane Aug 10th because of health. Fishery report to Ohligher & Schultz 3r. also a