Viewing page 92 of 108

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

138. Callionymus
139. Petroscirtes punctatus
140. Blenniidae
141.  " [[dittos for: Blenniidae]]
142.  " [[dittos for: Blenniidae]]
143. Sphyraena     jidd (large)  agam
144. Sphyraena     dwailmī (small)
145. Chelon        maidī, biauh  arabi

146. Atherinidae   mankūzah
147.   " [[dittos for: Atherinidae]]
148.   " [[dittos for: Atherinidae]]
149. Scorpaenidae P.G.
150.   " [[dittos for: Scorpaenidae]]
151.   " [[dittos for: Scorpaenidae]]
152. Platycephalus
153. Brachirus orientalis
154. Bothidae
155. Soleidae
156. Triacanthus indicus
157. Rhineacanthus aculeatus
158. Paramonacanthus
159. Balistes
160. Chilonodon patoca
161. Arothron
162. Arothron
163. Lagodon
164. Batrachus grunniens
165. Myripristis
166. Holocentrus

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Moawad M. Mohsen
Marine Biological Museum
Ghardaga, Red Sea Egypt
artist and director of museum
does water color paintings of fish
English            Arabic
spotted grouper  Kūshar abu addis
lūti   = sharrarah
small wrasse = rakadah
caranx = seliekh
octopus  amfasees
Platycephalus  daffan
Parapercis  wuzaqh
moray shaka [[inserted beneath k]] gh [[/inserted beneath]]
guitar fish  mihrat ("plow")

water color paintings

Chaetodon auriga mishait, misht
Holocentrus sammara bausayly
Acanthurus elegans sohal
Trachinotus zimah
Rhineacanthus aculeatus  Higma [[inserted above]] or egme [[/inserted above]] 'pig'
Cheilinus lunalatus aba meless [[abu melees??]]
Coris  gurat al bahar
Serramis sumana (brown) Kushar
Upeneus flavolineatus Enber
Plectorhynchus gutt reen

Transcription Notes:
140. Blenniidae for blennis