Viewing page 95 of 108

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

170   Revised list of fish names, Persian Gulf  Aug. 8, 1948

[[table with 4 columns, columns 2-4 named: Scientific name, English, Arabic]]

  | Scientific name | English | Arabic
1.|[[underline]] Chirocentrus dorab [[/underline]] | large tooth herring | ḥiff 
2.|[[underline]] Terapon puta [[/underline]] | striped grunt | zamrūr
3.|[[underline]] Gnathodentex [[/underline]] ? [[underline]] Sparus haffara [[/underline]] | Square nose porgy | qurqufānah
4.|[[underline]] Sparus cuvieri [[/underline]] | snapper porgy | subaiṭi
5.|[[underline]] Sparus bifasciatus [[/underline]] | band head porgy | faskar
6.|[[underline]] Plectorhynchus [[/underline]] | spotted grunt | yanāmah
7.|[[underline]] Scarus dussumieri [[/underline]] | parrotfish | qain
8.|[[underline]] Sillago sihama [[/underline]] | sand perch | hāsūn
9.|[[underline]] Nemipterus japonicus [[/underline]] | pink snapper | bāsīyah
10.|[[underline]] Caranx crumenophthalmus [[/underline]] | goggle eye scad | ṣīnah
11.|[[underline]] Hemirhamphus [[/underline]] | half beak | sils
12.|[[underline]] Parapercis smithii [[/underline]] | barred sand perch | zyb hair
13.|[[underline]] Dorosoma nasus [[/underline]] | thread herring | īwāf
14.|[[underline]] Chorinemus [[/underline]] | leather jack (small) | laḥlāḥ (Saihat)
15.|[[underline]] Sparus spinifer [[/underline]] | hump back porgy | thaur
16.|[[underline]] Seriola [[/underline]] large 2' | smooth jack | rabībah
17.|[[underline]] Cybium commersonii & C. guttatum [[/underline]] | king mackerel | kan'ad
18.|[[underline]] Callinectes [[/underline]] ? | blue claw crab | qub qub
19.|[[underline]] Scorpaena [[/underline]] | scorpion fish | farjālah
20.| Gastropoda | small snail (salt water) | subān
21.| Decapoda | ghost crab | barrjīnn
22.|[[underline]] Sardinella, Dussumiera [[/underline]], Engraulidae | sardines, anchovy | 'ūm
23.|[[underline]] Tylosurus [[/underline]] | bill fish | ubbarī(small), hāqūl(large)
24.|[[underline]] Cyprinodon dispar [[/underline]] | killy fish | 'ufṭi
25.|[[underline]] Gerres [[/underline]] | mojarra | muṣallaqah
26.|[[underline]] Platycephalus maculipinna [[/underline]] | flathead | waḥarah
27.|[[underline]] Sargus noct [[/underline]] | spot tail porgy | mushawah
28.|[[underline]] Crenidens crenidens [[/underline]] | brown tooth porgy | baṭṭānah
29.|[[underline]] Sparus datnia [[/underline]] | broad porgy| shi'm
[[end page]]

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[[right corner]] 171 [[/right corner]]

[[table with 4 columns, columns 2-4 named: Scientific name, English, Persian Gulf Arabic]]
  | Scientific name | English | Persian Gulf Arabic
30.|[[underline]] Apogon thurstoni [[/underline]] | cardinal fish | siḥat al ra'ī
31.|  -  | sand lizard | wazāg^[[insertion]] h [[/insertion]]ah [[wazāghah]] 
32.|[[underline]] Paramonacanthus [[/underline]] | file fish | baghūmī
33.|[[underline]] Scolopsis personatus [[/underline]] | brown line grunt | bzaimīyah
34.|[[underline]] Scolopsis [[/underline]] | brown striped grunt | zarrā'ah
35.|[[underline]] Plesiops, Pomacentrus, Abudefduf [[/underline]] | demoiselle | q'aisī
36.| Labridae, Gobiidae, Blenniidae | wrasse, gobies, blennies | nabbāt
37.|[[underline]] Hydrophis [[/underline]] | sea snake (poisonous) | baljanai
38.|[[underline]] Gerres punctatus [[/underline]] | thread fin mojarra | rīyāshah
39.|[[underline]] Gerres [[/underline]] (see 25) |
40.| Pleuronectidae | thick flatfish | khūfa'ah
41.|[[underline]] Batrachus grunniens [[/underline]] | toad fish | qumqāmah
42.|[[underline]] Megaprotodon [[/underline]] orange & black butterfly fish | ra q'ah
43.|[[underline]] Pomacanthus maculosus [[/underline]] | angel fish | 'unfūz
44.|[[underline]] Lutjanus [[/underline]] | spot snapper | naisarah
45.|[[underline]] Epinephelus tauvina [[/underline]] | spotted grouper | Hamūr (large), balūl (small)
46.|[[underline]] Lethrinus nebulosus [[/underline]] | dog face porgy | shuḥdhūdh (small), shi'ri (large)
47.|[[underline]] Lethrinus miniatus [[/underline]] | red gill dog face porgy | bakhshīyah
48.| Atherinidae | silverside | mankūzah
49.|[[underline]] Gnathodentex [[/underline]] ? (see #3) |
50.|[[underline]] Heniochus acuminatus [[/underline]] | black & white butterfly fish | mushṭ al'arūs, mushaiṭ
51.|[[underline]] Decapterus russelli [[/underline]] | mackerel scad | jinnaiyah
52.|[[underline]] Cephalopholis ? [[/underline]] | black grouper | subaiti burtam [[insertion above]] ṣakhalah (Bahrain) [[/insertion above]]
53.|[[underline]] Seriola [[/underline]] ? | smooth jack | samak at ṭair
54.|[[underline]] Pelates quadrilineatus [[/underline]] | black striped grunt | jimjāmah
55.|[[underline]] Thenus orientalis [[/underline]] (Lund) | mole lobster | um al rubyān
56.|         | shrimp | rubyān
57.|[[underline]] Sparus datnia [[/underline]] (see #29)
58.|[[underline]] Ostracion cubicus [[/underline]] | trunkfish | samak at yūn,is
59.|[[underline]] Arius thalassinus [[/underline]] | sea catfish | kimm

Transcription Notes:
don't know how to indicate dots under "h"s and "t"s in Arabic names. Here they are for copy & pasteing etc - ḥ ṣ ṭ - would do it myself but have to stop for a bit - sorry! Finished it. :-)