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61. tuna (scomber)  jibābah (Bahrain) or Tibbon (Saihat)
62. barracuda       dwailm[[strikethrough]] y[[/strikethrough]]ī {small) jidd (large)
63. guitar fish  1m or less  h[[strikeout]] y [[/strikeout]]ira[[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]]ī [[hiarī]], sūs larger than 1 meter
64. thick flounder     khaufa'ah
65. thin flounder      tabaqliziq
66. shark (hammerhead)  (agran) aqrān
67. siganus U-48-41 [[insertion above]] siganus [[/insertion above]]  șāfiah 'arab[[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]]īah  spike perch
68. siganus [[strikethrough]] punc [[/strikethrough]] U-48-29 [[insertion above]] [[strikethrough]] puntatus [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] [[underline]] javus [[/underline]] șunaify [[switch words copyedit mark]] (sāfiah)  șāfiah sunaifīyah
69. Triacantus [[strikethrough]]] qume [[/strikethrough]] K^[[insertion]] u [[/insertion]] laib al dau (Klaib = little dog) Kulaib al dau
70. brown tooth porgy C.crenidens     battānah  see 28
71. bottom green grass    mash'ūrah
72.     ray (manta?)     lakhmah
73.     blenny           far[[strikethrough]]y j [[/strikethrough]]āleh (farjāl)
74. branch coral        'arīsh
75. brain coral       (byimih) bajimah
76. cuttlefish         Khaththāq
77. nurse shark (Chiloscyllium)    Hayaseh
78. Snapper (brown)     Shiqqarah
79. Arothron & [[strikethrough]] Chilonodon [[/strikethrough]]    fuql
80. smooth puffer Chilonodon   'inizeh [[insertion above]] local [[/insertion]] ('anzah = she goat)
81. Carcharias menisorrah  nā'ū[[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]]z (th)
82. Rachycent,ron canadus    sikn
83. lwaithy   [[image: circle with "+" inside, and 7 lines coming off of it]]
84. dūl  [[image: jellyfish with long tentacles]]
85. fughlūl  [[image: short tentacled jellyfish]] & aurelia
86. shīt [[strikethrough]] ah [[/strikethrough]]      sea urchin (short spine)
87. rammāyi        sear urching (long spine)
88. Chorinemus (large)       zul'ah (thulah)
89. sole U-48-86      Hofār [[arabic writing]]
90. Plotusus anguillaris U-48-87  'Āī [[arabic writing]]
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[[right corner]] 191 [[/right corner]]

91. Echeneis  (lezug) [[insertion]] [[arabic writing]] [[/insertion]] lazzāq
92. osprey   abū/haqub [[arabic writing]   [[arrow pointing toward arabic writing]] Had abu mukowey near Dammam
93. [[strikethrough]] Chorinerous [[/strikethrough]] Choerodon (black) (negrur) naqrūr
94. large mullet   biohk? [[strikethrough]] bioh [[/strikethrough]] biauh
95. broad [[underline]] Caranx [[/underline]] (but thin) [[arrow drawn from this line to the line below]] (chekka ?) shekkah
96. [[arrow drawn from this line to line above]] Lutjanus (red fins) rabīb  caranx with narrow black bands
97. Needlefish      hāqūl  hagul
98. sawfish    siyawthy [[insertion]] [[arrow pointing to "siyawthy"]] Abdullah [[/insertion]] , sayyāfī[[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] (correction) Pristis zysron
99. Lutjanus coccineus?   shigerr chigerr   [[underline]] shugqarah [[/underline]]
100. Caranx sp.   gūfdar (june 12)   kūfdar
101. porgy (broad)    burtam (this is sbaiti burtam see #52) [[insertion above]] burtamah [[/insertion]] sing.
102. 4" barracuda    Halir
103. goat fish with yellow line     baussay
104. Wet salt fillets   Gymnosarda alleteratus?   malhah
105. Hippocampus     wuzz? "geese"
106. flying fish   jarādah  (gerradah) "locust"   U-48-69
107. goatfish (red)  Hamer arabi    hāmarah 'Arabīyah
108. goat fish (black)   Hamer bahra[[insertion]] i [[/insertion]]ni (black) " [[ditto for: hāmarah]] bahrainīyah
109. sword fish?    silsāl
110. brown snail     wudih   wudili?
111. Sparus spinifer without bump [[insertion]] on [[/insertion]] head  beguerra  cow  baqarah
112. Trachinotus [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] bint at tair  bint [[strikethrough]] tu terre [[/strikethrough]] at tair "daughter of bird"
113. Plectorhynchus or [[strikethrough]] Kyphosus? [[/strikethrough]] fine comb teeth   mthoa  or Hobur
114. Ctenophore shaped [[strikethrough]] jelly fish [[/strikethrough]] tunicate [[underline]] Salpa [[/underline]]  gileon  Qullīyānah
115  Platax     amord?
116  Terapon [[insertion above]] target fish [[/insertion]] jarbua     veeb?  [[strikethrough]] jibb [[/strikethrough]]
117. Smooth jack U-48-107  yeeb, jeeb  jibb
118. small carangid black spot  u-48-110    semech at tair (samak[[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]at al tair?) see # 53
119. "  " [[ditto for: small carangid]] little larger " [[ditto for: U-48-110]]  ūthānī uthainī
120. large [[insertion]] grey [[/insertion]] Plectorhynchus    shukhūl saihat (cont. p 180 ) [[insertion]] shukūl [[/insertion]]
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