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March 27, 1913. Finished packing went to bank got 50L for [[underlined]] mother [[\underlined]] etc. Then went to mother stayed there till noon. Took slow train to Lille house to pay frcs. 3.70 for surplus valises! Disgustingly dirty [[strikethrough]] santiar [[/strikethrough]] unsanitary installation at Tourcoing station Arrived Continental Hotel in Paris (20 frcs for [[mares ?]] and room with bath - no telephone, no soap. room has not been painted for years! 
March 28., Up early writing letters. Then went to [[underlined]] Lenard Jacobi [[/underlined]] my old partner. He lives in neat comfortable new appartment  He was still dressing when I arrived Walked together in Bois de Boulogne for a few minutes. Has again a pampered little pet dog as formerly. Took lunch at his house.  his sister in law. wife of Fred Jacobi there is coming back from trip around the world. Took
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Transcription Notes:
Leonard Jacobi was financier and LHB's partner at the Nepera Chemical Company in Yonkers, NY. He invested in formation of the company in 1893.