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entirely with my our conclusion.  Will advise Hasslacher to drop negotiations.
[[strikethrough]] April 30.  Beautiful spring day.  Feel very happy today Remained home clearing up my belated correspondennce Quiet restful day [[/strikethrough]]
April 28.  Went to New York early [[underlined]] Hasslacher [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Dubois [[/underlined]] hesitate somewhat rejecting the 80/20 proposition.  Dubois specially told [[Luren/Sven?]] who announced his opinion that patent fights are expensive and onerous and therefore we should not reject lightly a possible combination.  After I argued with them they changed their opinion and agreed with me to [[underlined]] stop [[/underlined]] cancel negotiations on former base.  Lunch with ^W^ [[underlined]] Grosvenor [[/underlined]] at Chemists Club - talk about
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campaign for [[underlined]] patent - reform [[/underlined]] propaganda.  Then back to N.Y office then to University Club to dress for German Club dinner which Hasslacher offers to Dr. [[underlined]] Brieb [[/underlined]] and Mr. [[underlined]] Koerting [[/underlined]] and other people connected here and abroad with [[underlined]] gas industry [[/underlined]] Large round table. Many guests among them [[underlined]] Drory [[/underlined]] a nephew of the [[underlined]] Pauli's [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Drory's of Ghent [[/underlined]]  Also Mr. Miller of [[underlined]] Schutte and Koerting [[/underlined]] etc.  [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] there.  A jolly evening.  Celine made a speech so did I. Koerting - Brieb and Dubois made all reference to Bakelite.  Took Hasslacher home in our auto.  When we arrive at Snug Rock found [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] and his party of boys in the kitchen improvising their supper. 
[[underlined]] April 29. [[/underlined]] Dictating letters most of day.  All to bed early tired
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