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May 16 1913.. Up early. Breakfast with Swan. Then came Hugo Dubois. Swan unpacked our exhibit then Dr. Richardson came to call. Beautiful weather. Lunched at Blackstone Hotel Saw Bakelite Pipes and Bakelite cigar holder displayed on Lake front cigar stores took short nap.  At evening there was a reception headed by Professor [[underlined]] Julius Stieglitz [[/underlined]] and Prof. Neff. The big room was filled with about 220 guests [[strikethrough]]among[[/strikethrough]] and many ladies Swan had displayed exhibits on several tables and along the walls on all chemical formulas were hung on the wall. Stieglitz speech put special stress on [[underlined]]Velox. [[/underlined]] So did Richardsons who reviewed my career. (a very good speech. See Journ. Industrial 
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and Engineering Chemistry. Then accepted medal and delivered my lecture. when finishing I said I was just as glad as they that my lecture was over and that I felt like a schoolboy who was just thru with his prize oration Professor [[underlined]] Angell [[/underlined]]of Chicago University spoke very on modernisim in education in favor of so called chemical education. Prof. Frankfurter [[inserted]]was[[/insertion]][strikethrough]]did[[/strikethrough]] not very happy in his selection of speech  Went to bed about midnight
May 17. Up early. Hovey Prantiss and their wives took me on a motor tour their city ad showed me succession of boulevards. At 5 [[superscript underlined]] 30 [[/superscript underlined]] PM. took train via Lake Shore to New York
May 18. (Sunday)Slept well. Arrived 1913 at New York at 5 [[superscript underlined]] 30 [[/superscript underlined]]  Car not at station so took train and trolley home. [[underlined]]De Vecchi boys[[/underlined]]and [[underlined]]Janet Brownell[[/underlined]]at [[strikethrough]]our[[/strikethrough]]
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Transcription Notes:
Velox photographic paper was LHB's first big invention.