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speech in favor of [[underlined]] direct primaries [[/underlined]] and denounce Murphy, Tammany and machine - democrats.  Good fearless address.  Place crowded Celine with me.  Good order however.  Senator Healy a despicable politician "got it" and was very mad
June 14. Here all day
June 15 (Sunday).[[underlined]] Townsend[[/underlined]]1913 arrived here in ^ [[insertion]] their [[/insertion]] motor car this afternoon and remained overnight with Mrs. T. and his son.  I slept in my  study room on their way to Maine.  [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] studying physics with Mr. Churchill all afternoon.  Teacher says George could do much better [[underlined]] if he worked more.  Miss Brownell[[/underlined]]here also with a certain Mr. Cauchois
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[[underlined]] June 16. [[/underlined]]Very hot day.  Escorted [[underlined]]Townsend[[/underlined]]and his party with our car to Mamaroneck.  It was very hot in our open car.  Celine and I came back about 1 P.M.
[[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] came home and tells me to my delight that he has passed well his exams on physics altho' he [[strikethrough]] was not able [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion above strikethrough]] had no time [[/insertion above strikethrough]] to finish his last question.  Hurried preparation for his departure tomorrow for the woods.
June 17.  Warm. [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] left us early for his camp in Adirondacks gave him $50[[underlined]] 00.[[/underlined]] He went with [[underlined]]Malcolm Waite. [[/underlined]]
Went to N.Y lunched with [[underlined]]May[[/underlined]]then to [[underlined]] Perth Amboy. [[/underlined]] Hot and crowded train.  Called attention to increased fire risk on account of accumulation of phenol esters litter etc.  They had lost one batch of varnish No 1 which turned into B.  Supper at Chemists
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