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Nine tents of campers across the river since several days. Restful day. - Spent all day reading Münsterberg's  Americans [[red underlined]] Celine [[red underlined]] amusing herself watering dried out peach trees - hampered by Teddie the dog - squirting water on him. Beautiful cool evening. Remained together on piazza till very dark. Nina away.
July 7.
Violent wind during night and sudden much cooler temperature. Bright cool day. Cleared up much belated correspondence Home all day.
July 8.
Bad news from Germany in relation to [[red underlined]] Raschig's opposition [[/red underlined]] to my patent on bases. The patent office has given the most absurd decision showing clearly that these pedants have 
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not even read the brief of Dr. Ephraim, or if they have read it must have done so with a closed mind.  
Spent first part of morning dictating my comment on the subject.  Then to N.Y office.  Met [[red underlined]] McCargo [[/red underlined]] there with May discussing the contract for packing.  McCargo says their experiments and [[strikethrough]] tets [[/strikethrough]] tests at different factories have been quite favorable. - I'm anxious now to start advertising and push the sales. - I tell him he should go slowly at first While discussing this.  Foersterling came in office announcing news that lower part of [[red underlined]] steam jacket [[/red underlined]] of our [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] cast-iron still in Lacquer house has exploded.  [[red underlined]] Killing out- [[/red underlined]]
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