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Then went to Perth Amboy. Spent all afternoon questioning [[underlined in red]]Reusi?[[/underlined]] in regard to his [[underlined in red]]visit of Europe and future plans etc. [[strikethrough]]came home [[/strikethrough]]Recommended me [[?]] to mate still with copper coils. Came back with Register by train. Then went to [[underlined in red]]Chemists Club[[/underlined]]for supper Had discussion with [[underlined in red]]Rigg[[/underlined]]and Chute; both pessimists and kickers-also the class of people who think world has not progressed. No wonder if they have so little to show. Home with 11[[superscript/underlined]]40[[/superscipt/underlined]]P.M. Pouring rain 
Aug. 7. Home all day dictating. Stearns has one piston disabled
Aug 8. [[underlined in red]]24th anniversary of our wedding![[/underlined]]Fine clear day. Dictated letters and spent part of 
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morning in lab. At 6 P.M. [[red underlined]]Celine[[/red underline]] and myself, walked [[start of red vertical line in left margin]]up like old lovers along Broadway to Long View Restaurant. All Autos we met I cried :Down with the rich! [[strikethrough]]Quiete[[/strikethrough]] Quite a different point of view of man outside an auto or inside of one. 
Delightful evening. Good supper. Splendid landscape Walked home arm in arm along Broadway. Starlit night Talked of our children, future work together (soy bean!) and of our years past. Still these years are by far the best. [[/end of red vertical line in margin]] Specically the last six years of common work together. 
Aug. 9 Celine called me while I was in my bathroom to tell
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