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I wanted. ^Quite cold on Lake^ Little steamer  [[Dunn?]] is Superintendent of the school near by in winter [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] Intelligent looking young man.  At Marion river.  little train to the carry.  [[Clarence Irmlen ??]] and George and myself divided functions and wound our way thru the wood, on an unblazed trail for about two miles.
Finally rented small snug [[underlined]] log cabin [[/underlined]] which George purchased from Ernest Blanchard, the trapper last winter across the creek "Bear Creek" stands a [[underlined]] larger [[/underlined]] log cabin just [[underlined]] constructed  [[/underlined]] by George and Blanchard Undoubtedly a good piece of work made of logs ranging from 8" to 12" in diameter [[picturesquely?]] situated.  All around lie trees which
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29  have been hacked down to find the necessary logs and for affording some clearance.  No locks on the doors.  Phonograph? and tool simply shoved underneath rear logs.  No thieves here!  [[underlined]] George  [[/underlined]] and Malcolm knocking and felling trees to have some clear space around.  I put on my moccasins  and comfortable kaki shirt and went out on tour of orientation.  Then wielded axe and built fire While George and Malcolm went to Marian River Carry.  They came back towards evening and started cooking their supper.  George making pancakes but using [[strikethrough]] almost [[/strikethrough]] most of baking powder.  Some of the early pancakes were undoubtedly misfits.  I took simply slice of ham and some crackers.
[[strikethrough]] Night [[/strikethrough]] They slept in small
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