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boat had left without whistling it being another captain, and had left George at Raquette.  He had slept at Free's camp and there they had failed to awaken him in the morning in time for the boat.  Malcolm Waite was somewhere ^around Raquette^ but George did not know where.  Was astonished he was not here.  This has been a day of exercise I went to bed early and slept  Aug 16 until 8 AM.  After washing and shaving, started washing my wet clothing of yesterday then gathered more balsam boughs for my bed.  George slept soundly till about 10:30 AM.  He too needed a good rest. - Warm weather.  Towards evening George and myself went to the carry to fetch a plank.  I put on
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the basket and carried two cans of kerosene in coming back.  Hot work in such weather.  Then George prepared his supper [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] Great fun to see him cooking and then see him gulp it.  George saw a deer near the camp just when he arrived. I ate outside, can of Heinze's Beans and two potatoes toasted excellently.  To bed about evening. and read all the papers announcing the impeachment of Governor Sulzer a victim of the hatred and cunningness of Tammany
Aug. 17. Seems hotter than yesterday [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Too hot to work.  but [[strikethrough]] Geor [[/strikethrough]] we finished the upper bunk.  Day was spent lazily.  Afternoon George went to the carry.  I had found a phonograph here which belongs to Ernest Blanchard, the trapper
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