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and in Europe.  Is desirous of obtaining option from [[underlined]] Claypoole [[/underlined]] for pale lacquer until sun tests have decided point of darkening.  Suggests we should propose [[underlined]] Claypoole [[/underlined]] that we together pay his living expenses for one month until that point is decided and divide the outlay with a view of then acquiring the process for both of us at a reasonable condition.  I acquiesced but told him had to submit matter of license to our directors.  He was very friendly and well disposed and brought up matter of our ultimately making his lacquer so as to reduce overhead expenses.  He even said that if we felt it desirable to give license to Mass & Waldstein he would be willing to follow our
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suggestion.  Arranged with him for visit of [[underlined]] Swan [[/underlined]] to examine possibility of Bakelite lock casters. Took supper at Chemists Club. [[underlined]] Frank Low [[/underlined]] tells me he has settled the question of commercial manufacture of Bakelite mixtures and will soon be able to go ahead commercially and is entirely satisfied about results as well as all competent men who have seen them.  This sounds quite encouraging.  Took him and [[underlined]] Whitaker [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough]] along in motor car
Aug 30.  Fine bright weather.  [[underlined]] Gotthelf [[/underlined]] still on his vacation.  [[underlined]] Hamlin [[/underlined]] away today too.  Told [[underlined]] Laurence [[/underlined]] to make [[strikethrough]] cl [[/strikethrough]] colorless Novolak with phenol; then add to solution in amylalcohol and ordinary alcohol necessary
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Transcription Notes:
Mass & Waldstein chemical company in New Jersey. Easily confirmed on Google. HK Lawrence is LHB's #1 chemist. HK