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Dr. Lowe, Bennie etc. was glad to get rid of the rather noisy crowd.
Sept 14. (Sunday) In the morning went to confer with Lansing and examine [[strikethrough]] fndia [[strikethrough]] the result of operation on [[underlined]] Marsh's cell. [[/underlined]] Came to conclusion cell is not to blame but too much red tape and lack of support for Lansing.  Took lunch at Club with Dr. [[underlined]] Carveth [[/underlined]] and [[Boss.??]] Hicks.  Then conference with A. H. Hooker where I explained to him result of my examination and compared conclusions  
Left with 6 P.M. train.  Tearful crowd at station - excursion trains.  Got upper bunk at Buffalo.  Cold bright weather
Sept. 15. Arrived Yonkers around 7 .AM spent most of day dictating long report to Bush about
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my visit to Niagara.  
[[underlined]] Jones [/underlined]] announces that he has made excellent colorless lacquer by using very small amounts of NH3 for condensation then after separation and before concentration was several times with very dilute HCl.  [[ N over 10 with horizontal line between]] soluton Miss Evans [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] busy typewriting till quite late evening.
[[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] has been studying assiduously his [[underlined]] geometry [[/underlined]] since he is back from the woods.
Sept 16. Dictated all morning
After lunch motored to plant of [[underlined]] Cutler Hammer Co [[/underlined]] 144 st & Southern Boulevard.  Where on a spacious top floor I found [[underlined]] Frank Low [[/underlined]] at work coating paper for [[underlined]] matrixes [[/underlined]] in an experimental way.  He has [[stereolight ?]] presses etc and general suitable equipment and 3 workmen.  The ma-
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