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went to bed early
Oct 2. Went to [[red underline]] Townsend's [[/red underline]] office and with him to Commissioner [[red underline]] Ewing's [[/red underline]] office. Arranged interview with the latter for tomorrow morning with [[red underline]] Mershon [[/red underline]].  Lunched with Townsend and spent remainder of [[strikeout]] [[?]] [[/strikeout]] the day discussing our different patent matters and infringement suits.  Took supper alone at Ebbit's House To bed at 9.P.M 
Oct 3. Up early. Mershon arrived from N.Y. visited Homes Ewing Jr. Commissioner of Patents.  Bradford president Washington Patent Law association there. [[red underline]] Ewing [[/red underline]] says he is against a non paid commission.  Thinks non payments means non fulfillment of task.  Believes Judge Colt would be a
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very desirable man altho' he is a republican. We then went to [[red underline]] Oldfield [[/red underline]] and urged him to introduce a bill for a [[red underline]] commission[[/red underline]].  Says he is against a commission because it may take two or three years, and by that time the democrats may be out of power. and republicans will postpone matters further.
Told him about new german patent bill seemed much interested explained him why provision of compulsory wording was left in as a club to hold over England.  Explained him also about compulsory licenses etc.  about alternate patents.  How working is easy to carry out for rich companies etc.  Appeared to have thought very little about that and to seem to be just as ill
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