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Oct 28.  Dictated all morning [[margin]]90 [[/margin]] and spent remainder of time in laboratory.  Evening went to [[underlined]] Chemists Club[[/underlined]] where I had arranged dinner in honor of [[underlined]] Robert Mond[[/underlined]] and[[underlined]] Sir Alfred Mond [[/underlined]] M.P.  [[underlined]] Tahamine Hesse, Bogert Baskerville, Alexander Smith Toch, [[/underlined]] Flood. [[underlined]] Wagner, Jacques Loeb,, Beacher, Nichols Chandler [[/underlined]] there..  Robert Mond made speech on general condition of science and research in Europe also on labor nuisance laws.  [[underlined]]Alfred Mond [[/underlined]] made very interesting and witty speech giving his [[experience??]] in english politics as a radical.  Nichols, Chandler and Tralamine spoke.  Very enjoyable dinner, seemed to please all participants.  I feel
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# 2 hrs.  91
[[strikethrough]] ckn [[/strikethrough]] that it was worth while bringing them together.  Took all up in [[insertion below line]]my motor car to their homes [[/insertion below line]]
Oct 29.  Here all morning.  Afternoon at John Bush's office in relation to several matters also proposal of de Jahn and
[[margin]]#2hr. HEC.[[/margin]] [[Murceau??]] (charge 2 hours)
Then interview with [[underlined]] May [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Swan [[/underlined]] relative proposed arrangement of [[underlined]] Westinghouse[[/underlined]] of giving them exclusive license for composite paper.  Home by 6 [[superscript/underlined]] 15 [[/superscript/underlined]] P.M.
Oct 30.  All day here very busy in lab. and dictating.  [[underlined]]  Thurlow [[/underlined]] here in joint conference with me [[underlined]] Gotthelf[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Hamlin [[/underlined]] Made him acquainted with all our work [[underlined]]with hexa. [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] anhydroformaldehyde, [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] colorless [[/strikethrough]] transparent [[underlined]] bakelite which does not color [[/underlined]] etc
At evening met with Prof [[underlined]] McKeen Catell, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Jacques Loeb [[/underlined]]
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