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tells me trouble due to badly shaved cylinders or cylinders of which shell has become to hard.
Nov 13. [[red underline]] Dictaphone 4 cylinders all seem well. [[/red underline]] This morning while in bath tub, piece of cement in [[red underline]] front tooth [[/red underline]] fell off. Got to dentist at noon who cemented it on again.
Nov 14. I am [[red underline]] fifty years old [[/red underline]] today! Left early for joint conference at office of [[red underline]] Hooker Electrochemical Co [[/red underline]] to discuss their technical troubles. Elon H. Hooker and his two brothers from Niagara and Marsh, Bush, Townsend there.  Lunch at City Club where Frank Remington joined us. then continue time there.  Main trouble due to copper tubes in vacuum form, causing
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defectively finished caustic. Other troubles due to bad Anode liquor and to bare places in cathode plates in Marsh new type cell.  
At 5 P.M went to chemists Club to meet [[red underline]] Grosvenor who has collected 70 signatures in favor of McKenna [[/red underline]] Presidency.  Met there Dr. Kleinstrich a young german professor in a study tour.  
[[vertical note in left margin]] Charge 6 hours = $30.00 to Hooker. [[/vertical note in left margin]]
who was introduced by Prof. Möhlau.  Shortly afterwards Celine came to fetch me and she and I went together for supper at Delmonico's to celebrate my fiftieth anniversary.  Met there Mr. Williams his wife and son.  The parents leave tomorrow for Europe.  I told him today we [[red underline]] sold 12 tons of Bakelite. [[/red underline]] - Good month
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