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[[red underline]] Judge is Chatfield. [[/red underlined]] Rather good natured looking chap. [[red underline]] Neave [[/red underline]] introduced the case, makes good impression polished, gentleman like. Rummer committed a breach and was called mildly to order by judge when he tried to plead while sitting.
After five I got on stand  matters went well enough with me ditto in my cross examination.  
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] Nikolas suit [/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
Defendants try to deny that Nikolas has agency and that it is their can of laquer we purchased.  Short recess for lunch then further till nearly six.  I went to stay at McAlpine Hotel where Townsend is.  Took Townsend and Dr. Peter to Mouquin for supper where we spend the evening listening to music.
Dec 10.  Up early then to court quite some delay before starting on account of other 
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matters. Gothelf & McIlheney testified as to analysis. Gothelf did well on direct examination but became very nervous and hesitating on cross examination but in general was better than McIlheney
Much time lost after recess waiting for three other cases, shipwreck, bankruptcy etc to be disposed of so only got 3/4 hour.
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] Nikolas suit [/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
Judge offered so as to save time we should go on with testimony before a referee but Rummer got up and said preferred trial in open court before Judge and others agreed with him.  I was glad to see them so soon convinced that trial in open court is a very desirable thing.  Mac Elroy ^[[sly fox]] like usually did not commit himself but smiled when I asked his opinion.  I rushed to University Club where I had arranged appointment